Module src.Network
Collection of the fundamental classes of the network-model of infection.
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Collection of the fundamental classes of the network-model of infection.
__all__ = ['Member', 'Household', 'Population', 'Group']
import textwrap
import numpy as np
import csv
import json
from os.path import sep
from src.Utils import ProgressBar, Counter
class Member:
def __init__(self, properties: dict):
A representation of a person. Consists of a dict 'properties'
containing all relevant data on this person, several attributes used
only within the simulation and some private counters used only in
functions in the 'Member'-class called during simulation.
Create a new member with the given attributes in 'properties'.
properties : dict
Dictionary containing all pre-defined attributes of the new member.
The properties-dict is expected to contain the keys 'id' and
'household'. If properties does not meet the expectation,
a KeyError will be raised.
def check(_properties: dict):
must_haves = ["id", "household"]
for property in must_haves:
if property not in _properties.keys():
raise KeyError("Properties have to contain '" + property + "'.")
return _properties = check(properties)
self.infected = False
self.recovered = False
self.vaccinated = False
self.dead = False
self.immune = False
self.quarantined = False
self.recent_contacts = []
self._susceptible_in = -1
self._infectious_in = -1
self._recovers_in = -1
self._immune_in = -1
self._released_in = -1
self._last_tested = -1
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (attr, val) for attr, val in self.__dict__.items()])
def infect(self, infectant: 'Member', timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict):
Infect the member, if it is infectable.
infectant : 'Member'
The infectious member that infects the member on which 'infect' is
timestamp : int
Current day in the simulation.
disease_parameters : dict
Dictionary containing all relevant infection parameters.
Is expected to contain the keys
Whether the member has been infected.
n_incubation = disease_parameters["incubation_period"]
n_infection = disease_parameters["infection_period"]
shared_household =["household"] ==["household"]
if (self.immune and not self.vaccinated) or self.infected or \
self.dead or (self.quarantined and not shared_household):
return False
if self.vaccinated and self._immune_in <= 0:
p_failure = disease_parameters["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"](self, timestamp)
if np.random.uniform() > p_failure:
return False
infection_data = [(["id"],
timestamp + n_incubation,
timestamp + n_incubation + n_infection)]
if "infections" not in["infections"] = infection_data
else:["infections"] += infection_data
self.infected = True
self._infectious_in = n_incubation
self._recovers_in = n_infection
self._susceptible_in = disease_parameters["immunity_period"]
return True
def vaccinate(self, timestamp: int, vaccine_parameters: dict):
Vaccinate the member, if it is allowed to be vaccinated.
timestamp : int
Current day in the simulation.
vaccine_parameters : dict
Dictionary containing all relevant vaccination parameters.
Is expected to contain the keys
Whether the member has been vaccinated.
vaccine_unavailable = self.infected or self.dead or self.quarantined or \
"vaccinations" in and \
timestamp <["vaccinations"][-1][1] + vaccine_parameters["t_wait_vac"] or \
"infections" in and \
timestamp <["infections"][-1][4] + vaccine_parameters["t_wait_rec"]
if not vaccine_unavailable:
vaccination_data = [(timestamp,
timestamp + vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"],
timestamp + vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"] + vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"])]
if "vaccinations" in["vaccinations"] += vaccination_data
else:["vaccinations"] = vaccination_data
if self.immune:
self._immune_in = 0
self._susceptible_in = max(vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"], self._susceptible_in)
self._immune_in = vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"]
self._susceptible_in = vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"]
return True
return False
def test(self, timestamp: int):
Test the member for an infection.
timestamp : int
Current day in the simulation.
Whether the test is positive.
result = self.infected * (np.random.uniform() < 0.99)
if "tests" not in["tests"] = [0, 0]["tests"][result] += 1
self._last_tested = timestamp
return result
def quarantine(self, days: int):
Place the member in quarantine.
days : int
Amount of days (in the simulation) the member has to stay in
self.quarantined = True
self._released_in = days
def add_to_contacts(self, other: 'Member'):
Add 'other' to the list of recent contacts of the member.
other : 'Member'
The member which is to be added to the list of recent contacts of
the member on which 'add_to_contacts' is called.
if len(self.recent_contacts) < 5:
self.recent_contacts += [other]
self.recent_contacts = self.recent_contacts[1:] + [other]
def make_immune(self, immunity_duration: int):
Make the member immune.
Not to be used in the simulation other than in the initialization of
groups ('put_inits_in_respective_group' in 'initialize_groups' in
'start_iteration'in the Simulation-class).
immunity_duration : int
Amount of days (in the simulation) the member is to be immune.
Whether the member was infected before it has been made immune.
This should never be the case.
if self.infected: # This should never be the case.
self.infected = False
self._infectious_in = -1
self._recovers_in = -1
self._susceptible_in = immunity_duration
self.immune = True
return True
self._infectious_in = -1
self._recovers_in = -1
self._susceptible_in = immunity_duration
self.immune = True
return False
def make_dead(self, timestamp: int):
Kill the member.
timestamp : int
Current day in the simulation.
self.infected = False
self.recovered = False
self.vaccinated = False
self._susceptible_in = -1
self._recovers_in = -1
self._infectious_in = -1
self._immune_in = -1
self.dead = True["Death"] = timestamp
def make_tick(self, option: str, timestamp: int = None):
Update the private counters of the member depending on the group or the
stage the member is in.
option : str
The type of update to be made.
timestamp : int, optional
Current day in the simulation.
The default is None.
The 'option'-string is expected to be one of the following strings:
If 'option' does not meet the expectation,
a ValueError will be raised.
Whether a change of attributes has been reached.
No returns if option is 'vaccine'.
if option == "infectious":
if self._infectious_in > 0:
self._infectious_in -= 1
return self._infectious_in <= 0
elif option == "immunity":
if self._immune_in <= 0:
self._susceptible_in -= 1
if self._susceptible_in == 0:
self._susceptible_in = -1
self.immune = False
return True
return False
elif option == "vaccine":
self._immune_in -= 1
if self._immune_in == 0:
self.immune = True
elif option == "recover":
self._recovers_in -= 1
if self._recovers_in == 0:
self._recovers_in = -1
self.infected = False
self.immune = True
return True
return False
elif option == "quarantine":
self._released_in -= 1
if "days_in_quarantine" not in["days_in_quarantine"] = 0["days_in_quarantine"] += 1
if self._released_in == 0:
if self.test(timestamp):
self._released_in += 5
self._released_in = -1
self.quarantined = False
return True
return False
raise ValueError("option not supported")
def copy(self):
Create a member as a copy of the member.
(Deep copy)
The copy of the member.
m = Member(
m.infected = self.infected
m.recovered = self.recovered
m.vaccinated = self.vaccinated
m.dead = self.dead
m._susceptible_in = self._susceptible_in
m._recovers_in = self._recovers_in
m._infectious_in = self._infectious_in
m._immune_in = self._immune_in
return m
class Group:
def __init__(self, name: str):
A base class for sets of several persons. Consists of a name-string,
an array containing its members and a counter saving the amounts of
members in the group.
Create a new group named 'name'.
name : str
The name of the new group.
""" = name
self.members = np.array([])
self.counter = Counter(0)
def __str__(self):
result = self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + + "\nMembers: "
for member in self:
result += str(member) + "\n\t\t "
return result[:-1]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.members)
def add_member(self, member: 'Member'):
Add 'member' to the group.
member : Member
The member to be added to the group.
self.members = np.append(self.members, member)
def remove_member(self, member: 'Member'):
Remove 'member' from the group.
member : Member
The member to be removed from the group.
old_size = self.members.size
self.members = self.members[self.members != member]
self.counter.decrement(old_size - self.members.size)
def spread_disease(self, infectant: 'Member', n: int, timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict):
Let 'infectant' infect randomly chosen members of the group.
infectant : 'Member'
The infectious member to be infecting members of the group.
n : int
The amount of members to be infected.
timestamp : int
Current day in the simulation.
disease_parameters : dict
Dictionary containing all relevant disease parameters.
Is expected to contain the keys
List of members which have been infected by 'infectant'.
result = []
for other in np.random.choice(self.members, n):
if["id"] ==["id"]:
if np.random.uniform() < disease_parameters["infection_probability_heuristic"](
if other.infect(infectant, timestamp, disease_parameters):
result += [other]
return result
def reset(self):
Reset the group.
self.members = np.array([])
self.counter = Counter(0)
def move(members: iter, origin: 'Group', destination: 'Group'):
Remove all members in 'members' from 'origin' and add them to
members : iter
Iterable of members to be moved from 'origin' to 'destination'.
origin : Group
Group from which the members in 'members' are to be removed.
destination : Group
Group to which the members i 'members' are to be added.
for member in members:
def history(self):
return self.counter.history
def size(self):
return self.members.size
class Household(Group):
def __init__(self, identifier: int):
A representation of a household of people. A subclass of Group, where
the name is the string of the household-id.
Create a new household with household-id 'identifier'.
identifier : int
The id of the new household.
def id(self):
class Population(Group):
def __init__(self, name: str):
A representation of a larger set of people from several households.
A subclass of Group, additionally consisting of a list of households.
Create a new population named 'name'.
name : str
The name of the new population.
self.households = {}
def add_member(self, member: 'Member'):
Add 'member' as a Member to the Population
and to its Household within the Population.
member : Member
The member to be added to the Population.
The member 'member' is expected to have the property 'household'.
If 'member' does not meet the expectations,
a KeyError will be raised.
household_id =["household"]
if household_id in self.households.keys():
household = Household(household_id)
self.households[household_id] = household
if type(self.members) == np.ndarray:
self.members = np.append(self.members, member)
self.members += [member]
def save_as_json(self, path: str):
Save the population as population.json at the given 'path'.
path : str
The path at which the population-file is to be saved.
The population is expected to contain members.
If the population does not meet the expectation,
a ValueError will be raised.
if len(self.members) == 0:
raise ValueError("Population can't be empty.")
with open(path + "population.json", 'w') as f:
wrapper = "{\n\t\"name\": \"" + + "\",\n\t\"size\": " + str(self.size) + ",\n\t\"members\": [\n"
inner = ""
for member in self:
json_str = json.dumps(, indent=4)
inner += json_str + ', \n'
inner = textwrap.indent(inner[:-3] + '\n', '\t\t')
f.write(wrapper + inner + "\t]\n}")
def copy(self):
Create a population as a copy of the population.
(deep copy)
The copy of the population.
p = Population(
p.members = list(p.members)
for member in self.members:
p.members = np.array(p.members)
p.counter = self.counter.copy()
return p
def load_from_csv(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep):
Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name.
file_name : str
The name of the file containing the data of the population.
Expected to end in .csv.
path : str, optional
The path to the file named file_name.
The default is "Populations" + sep.
A Population object containing the data for the given file.
p = Population(file_name[:-4])
p.members = []
with open(path + file_name, newline='') as f:
progress = ProgressBar(1, sum(1 for _ in f) - 1)
print("Loading population data...")
with open(path + file_name, newline='') as f:
for m_dict in csv.DictReader(f):
print("\nFinished loading.")
p.members = np.array(p.members)
return p
def load_from_json(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep):
Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name.
file_name : str
The name of the file containing the data of the population.
Expected to end in .json.
path : str, optional
The path to the file named file_name.
The default is "Populations" + sep.
A Population object containing the data for the given file.
p = Population(file_name[:-5])
p.members = []
with open(path + file_name, "r") as f:
print("Load json...")
data = json.load(f)
print("Finished loading.\n\nAdding members to population...")
progress = ProgressBar(1, len(data["members"]))
for member in data["members"]:
print("\nFinished adding members.")
p.members = np.array(p.members)
return p
def load_from_file(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep):
Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name.
file_name : str
The name of the file containing the data of the population.
Expected to end in .csv or .json.
path : str, optional
The path to the file named file_name.
The default is "Populations" + sep.
file_name is expected to end in .csv or .json.
If file_name does not meet the expectation,
a ValueError will be raised.
A Population object containing the data for the given file.
if file_name[-4:] == ".csv":
return Population.load_from_csv(file_name, path)
elif file_name[-5:] == ".json":
return Population.load_from_json(file_name, path)
raise ValueError("file_name must end in .csv or .json.")
class Group (name: str)
A base class for sets of several persons. Consists of a name-string, an array containing its members and a counter saving the amounts of members in the group.
Create a new group named 'name'.
- The name of the new group.
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class Group: def __init__(self, name: str): """ A base class for sets of several persons. Consists of a name-string, an array containing its members and a counter saving the amounts of members in the group. Create a new group named 'name'. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the new group. """ = name self.members = np.array([]) self.counter = Counter(0) def __str__(self): result = self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + + "\nMembers: " for member in self: result += str(member) + "\n\t\t " return result[:-1] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.members) def add_member(self, member: 'Member'): """ Add 'member' to the group. Parameters ---------- member : Member The member to be added to the group. """ self.members = np.append(self.members, member) self.counter.increment() def remove_member(self, member: 'Member'): """ Remove 'member' from the group. Parameters ---------- member : Member The member to be removed from the group. """ old_size = self.members.size self.members = self.members[self.members != member] self.counter.decrement(old_size - self.members.size) def spread_disease(self, infectant: 'Member', n: int, timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict): """ Let 'infectant' infect randomly chosen members of the group. Parameters ---------- infectant : 'Member' The infectious member to be infecting members of the group. n : int The amount of members to be infected. timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. disease_parameters : dict Dictionary containing all relevant disease parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 'infection_probability_heuristic', 'incubation_period', 'infection_period', 'vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic', 'immunity_period'. Returns ------- list List of members which have been infected by 'infectant'. """ result = [] for other in np.random.choice(self.members, n): if["id"] ==["id"]: continue infectant.add_to_contacts(other) if np.random.uniform() < disease_parameters["infection_probability_heuristic"]( if other.infect(infectant, timestamp, disease_parameters): result += [other] return result def reset(self): """ Reset the group. """ self.members = np.array([]) self.counter = Counter(0) @staticmethod def move(members: iter, origin: 'Group', destination: 'Group'): """ Remove all members in 'members' from 'origin' and add them to 'destination'. Parameters ---------- members : iter Iterable of members to be moved from 'origin' to 'destination'. origin : Group Group from which the members in 'members' are to be removed. destination : Group Group to which the members i 'members' are to be added. """ for member in members: origin.remove_member(member) destination.add_member(member) @property def history(self): return self.counter.history @property def size(self): return self.members.size
Static methods
def move(members:
, origin: Group, destination: Group) -
Remove all members in 'members' from 'origin' and add them to 'destination'.
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@staticmethod def move(members: iter, origin: 'Group', destination: 'Group'): """ Remove all members in 'members' from 'origin' and add them to 'destination'. Parameters ---------- members : iter Iterable of members to be moved from 'origin' to 'destination'. origin : Group Group from which the members in 'members' are to be removed. destination : Group Group to which the members i 'members' are to be added. """ for member in members: origin.remove_member(member) destination.add_member(member)
Instance variables
var history
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@property def history(self): return self.counter.history
var size
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@property def size(self): return self.members.size
def add_member(self, member: Member)
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def add_member(self, member: 'Member'): """ Add 'member' to the group. Parameters ---------- member : Member The member to be added to the group. """ self.members = np.append(self.members, member) self.counter.increment()
def remove_member(self, member: Member)
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def remove_member(self, member: 'Member'): """ Remove 'member' from the group. Parameters ---------- member : Member The member to be removed from the group. """ old_size = self.members.size self.members = self.members[self.members != member] self.counter.decrement(old_size - self.members.size)
def reset(self)
Reset the group.
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def reset(self): """ Reset the group. """ self.members = np.array([]) self.counter = Counter(0)
def spread_disease(self, infectant: Member, n: int, timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict)
Let 'infectant' infect randomly chosen members of the group.
- The infectious member to be infecting members of the group.
- The amount of members to be infected.
- Current day in the simulation.
- Dictionary containing all relevant disease parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 'infection_probability_heuristic', 'incubation_period', 'infection_period', 'vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic', 'immunity_period'.
- List of members which have been infected by 'infectant'.
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def spread_disease(self, infectant: 'Member', n: int, timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict): """ Let 'infectant' infect randomly chosen members of the group. Parameters ---------- infectant : 'Member' The infectious member to be infecting members of the group. n : int The amount of members to be infected. timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. disease_parameters : dict Dictionary containing all relevant disease parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 'infection_probability_heuristic', 'incubation_period', 'infection_period', 'vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic', 'immunity_period'. Returns ------- list List of members which have been infected by 'infectant'. """ result = [] for other in np.random.choice(self.members, n): if["id"] ==["id"]: continue infectant.add_to_contacts(other) if np.random.uniform() < disease_parameters["infection_probability_heuristic"]( if other.infect(infectant, timestamp, disease_parameters): result += [other] return result
class Household (identifier: int)
A representation of a household of people. A subclass of Group, where the name is the string of the household-id.
Create a new household with household-id 'identifier'.
- The id of the new household.
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class Household(Group): def __init__(self, identifier: int): """ A representation of a household of people. A subclass of Group, where the name is the string of the household-id. Create a new household with household-id 'identifier'. Parameters ---------- identifier : int The id of the new household. """ super().__init__(str(identifier)) @property def id(self): return
Instance variables
var id
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@property def id(self): return
Inherited members
class Member (properties: dict)
A representation of a person. Consists of a dict 'properties' containing all relevant data on this person, several attributes used only within the simulation and some private counters used only in functions in the 'Member'-class called during simulation.
Create a new member with the given attributes in 'properties'.
- Dictionary containing all pre-defined attributes of the new member.
- The properties-dict is expected to contain the keys 'id' and 'household'. If properties does not meet the expectation, a KeyError will be raised.
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class Member: def __init__(self, properties: dict): """ A representation of a person. Consists of a dict 'properties' containing all relevant data on this person, several attributes used only within the simulation and some private counters used only in functions in the 'Member'-class called during simulation. Create a new member with the given attributes in 'properties'. Parameters ---------- properties : dict Dictionary containing all pre-defined attributes of the new member. Raises ------ KeyError The properties-dict is expected to contain the keys 'id' and 'household'. If properties does not meet the expectation, a KeyError will be raised. """ def check(_properties: dict): must_haves = ["id", "household"] for property in must_haves: if property not in _properties.keys(): raise KeyError("Properties have to contain '" + property + "'.") return _properties = check(properties) self.infected = False self.recovered = False self.vaccinated = False self.dead = False self.immune = False self.quarantined = False self.recent_contacts = [] self._susceptible_in = -1 self._infectious_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._immune_in = -1 self._released_in = -1 self._last_tested = -1 def __str__(self): return "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (attr, val) for attr, val in self.__dict__.items()]) def infect(self, infectant: 'Member', timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict): """ Infect the member, if it is infectable. Parameters ---------- infectant : 'Member' The infectious member that infects the member on which 'infect' is applied. timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. disease_parameters : dict Dictionary containing all relevant infection parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 'incubation_period', 'infection_period', 'vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic', 'immunity_period'. Returns ------- bool Whether the member has been infected. """ n_incubation = disease_parameters["incubation_period"] n_infection = disease_parameters["infection_period"] shared_household =["household"] ==["household"] if (self.immune and not self.vaccinated) or self.infected or \ self.dead or (self.quarantined and not shared_household): return False if self.vaccinated and self._immune_in <= 0: p_failure = disease_parameters["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"](self, timestamp) if np.random.uniform() > p_failure: return False infection_data = [(["id"], shared_household, timestamp, timestamp + n_incubation, timestamp + n_incubation + n_infection)] if "infections" not in["infections"] = infection_data else:["infections"] += infection_data self.infected = True self._infectious_in = n_incubation self._recovers_in = n_infection self._susceptible_in = disease_parameters["immunity_period"] return True def vaccinate(self, timestamp: int, vaccine_parameters: dict): """ Vaccinate the member, if it is allowed to be vaccinated. Parameters ---------- timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. vaccine_parameters : dict Dictionary containing all relevant vaccination parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 't_wait_vac', 't_wait_rec', 't_vac_effect', 't_immunity'. Returns ------- bool Whether the member has been vaccinated. """ vaccine_unavailable = self.infected or self.dead or self.quarantined or \ "vaccinations" in and \ timestamp <["vaccinations"][-1][1] + vaccine_parameters["t_wait_vac"] or \ "infections" in and \ timestamp <["infections"][-1][4] + vaccine_parameters["t_wait_rec"] if not vaccine_unavailable: vaccination_data = [(timestamp, timestamp + vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"], timestamp + vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"] + vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"])] if "vaccinations" in["vaccinations"] += vaccination_data else:["vaccinations"] = vaccination_data if self.immune: self._immune_in = 0 self._susceptible_in = max(vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"], self._susceptible_in) else: self._immune_in = vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"] self._susceptible_in = vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"] return True return False def test(self, timestamp: int): """ Test the member for an infection. Parameters ---------- timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. Returns ------- bool Whether the test is positive. """ result = self.infected * (np.random.uniform() < 0.99) if "tests" not in["tests"] = [0, 0]["tests"][result] += 1 self._last_tested = timestamp return result def quarantine(self, days: int): """ Place the member in quarantine. Parameters ---------- days : int Amount of days (in the simulation) the member has to stay in quarantine. """ self.quarantined = True self._released_in = days def add_to_contacts(self, other: 'Member'): """ Add 'other' to the list of recent contacts of the member. Parameters ---------- other : 'Member' The member which is to be added to the list of recent contacts of the member on which 'add_to_contacts' is called. """ if len(self.recent_contacts) < 5: self.recent_contacts += [other] else: self.recent_contacts = self.recent_contacts[1:] + [other] def make_immune(self, immunity_duration: int): """ Make the member immune. Not to be used in the simulation other than in the initialization of groups ('put_inits_in_respective_group' in 'initialize_groups' in 'start_iteration'in the Simulation-class). Parameters ---------- immunity_duration : int Amount of days (in the simulation) the member is to be immune. Returns ------- bool Whether the member was infected before it has been made immune. This should never be the case. """ if self.infected: # This should never be the case. print("THIS SHOULD NOT APPEAR ON CONSOLE") self.infected = False self._infectious_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._susceptible_in = immunity_duration self.immune = True return True else: self._infectious_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._susceptible_in = immunity_duration self.immune = True return False def make_dead(self, timestamp: int): """ Kill the member. Parameters ---------- timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. """ self.infected = False self.recovered = False self.vaccinated = False self._susceptible_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._infectious_in = -1 self._immune_in = -1 self.dead = True["Death"] = timestamp def make_tick(self, option: str, timestamp: int = None): """ Update the private counters of the member depending on the group or the stage the member is in. Parameters ---------- option : str The type of update to be made. timestamp : int, optional Current day in the simulation. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError The 'option'-string is expected to be one of the following strings: 'infectious', 'immunity', 'vaccine', 'recover', 'quarantine'. If 'option' does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised. Returns ------- bool Whether a change of attributes has been reached. No returns if option is 'vaccine'. """ if option == "infectious": if self._infectious_in > 0: self._infectious_in -= 1 return self._infectious_in <= 0 elif option == "immunity": if self._immune_in <= 0: self._susceptible_in -= 1 if self._susceptible_in == 0: self._susceptible_in = -1 self.immune = False return True return False elif option == "vaccine": self._immune_in -= 1 if self._immune_in == 0: self.immune = True elif option == "recover": self._recovers_in -= 1 if self._recovers_in == 0: self._recovers_in = -1 self.infected = False self.immune = True return True return False elif option == "quarantine": self._released_in -= 1 if "days_in_quarantine" not in["days_in_quarantine"] = 0["days_in_quarantine"] += 1 if self._released_in == 0: if self.test(timestamp): self._released_in += 5 else: self._released_in = -1 self.quarantined = False return True return False else: raise ValueError("option not supported") def copy(self): """ Create a member as a copy of the member. (Deep copy) Returns ------- Member The copy of the member. """ m = Member( m.infected = self.infected m.recovered = self.recovered m.vaccinated = self.vaccinated m.dead = self.dead m._susceptible_in = self._susceptible_in m._recovers_in = self._recovers_in m._infectious_in = self._infectious_in m._immune_in = self._immune_in return m
def add_to_contacts(self, other: Member)
Add 'other' to the list of recent contacts of the member.
- The member which is to be added to the list of recent contacts of the member on which 'add_to_contacts' is called.
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def add_to_contacts(self, other: 'Member'): """ Add 'other' to the list of recent contacts of the member. Parameters ---------- other : 'Member' The member which is to be added to the list of recent contacts of the member on which 'add_to_contacts' is called. """ if len(self.recent_contacts) < 5: self.recent_contacts += [other] else: self.recent_contacts = self.recent_contacts[1:] + [other]
def copy(self)
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def copy(self): """ Create a member as a copy of the member. (Deep copy) Returns ------- Member The copy of the member. """ m = Member( m.infected = self.infected m.recovered = self.recovered m.vaccinated = self.vaccinated m.dead = self.dead m._susceptible_in = self._susceptible_in m._recovers_in = self._recovers_in m._infectious_in = self._infectious_in m._immune_in = self._immune_in return m
def infect(self, infectant: Member, timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict)
Infect the member, if it is infectable.
- The infectious member that infects the member on which 'infect' is applied.
- Current day in the simulation.
- Dictionary containing all relevant infection parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 'incubation_period', 'infection_period', 'vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic', 'immunity_period'.
- Whether the member has been infected.
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def infect(self, infectant: 'Member', timestamp: int, disease_parameters: dict): """ Infect the member, if it is infectable. Parameters ---------- infectant : 'Member' The infectious member that infects the member on which 'infect' is applied. timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. disease_parameters : dict Dictionary containing all relevant infection parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 'incubation_period', 'infection_period', 'vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic', 'immunity_period'. Returns ------- bool Whether the member has been infected. """ n_incubation = disease_parameters["incubation_period"] n_infection = disease_parameters["infection_period"] shared_household =["household"] ==["household"] if (self.immune and not self.vaccinated) or self.infected or \ self.dead or (self.quarantined and not shared_household): return False if self.vaccinated and self._immune_in <= 0: p_failure = disease_parameters["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"](self, timestamp) if np.random.uniform() > p_failure: return False infection_data = [(["id"], shared_household, timestamp, timestamp + n_incubation, timestamp + n_incubation + n_infection)] if "infections" not in["infections"] = infection_data else:["infections"] += infection_data self.infected = True self._infectious_in = n_incubation self._recovers_in = n_infection self._susceptible_in = disease_parameters["immunity_period"] return True
def make_dead(self, timestamp: int)
Kill the member.
- Current day in the simulation.
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def make_dead(self, timestamp: int): """ Kill the member. Parameters ---------- timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. """ self.infected = False self.recovered = False self.vaccinated = False self._susceptible_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._infectious_in = -1 self._immune_in = -1 self.dead = True["Death"] = timestamp
def make_immune(self, immunity_duration: int)
Make the member immune. Not to be used in the simulation other than in the initialization of groups ('put_inits_in_respective_group' in 'initialize_groups' in 'start_iteration'in the Simulation-class).
- Amount of days (in the simulation) the member is to be immune.
- Whether the member was infected before it has been made immune. This should never be the case.
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def make_immune(self, immunity_duration: int): """ Make the member immune. Not to be used in the simulation other than in the initialization of groups ('put_inits_in_respective_group' in 'initialize_groups' in 'start_iteration'in the Simulation-class). Parameters ---------- immunity_duration : int Amount of days (in the simulation) the member is to be immune. Returns ------- bool Whether the member was infected before it has been made immune. This should never be the case. """ if self.infected: # This should never be the case. print("THIS SHOULD NOT APPEAR ON CONSOLE") self.infected = False self._infectious_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._susceptible_in = immunity_duration self.immune = True return True else: self._infectious_in = -1 self._recovers_in = -1 self._susceptible_in = immunity_duration self.immune = True return False
def make_tick(self, option: str, timestamp: int = None)
Update the private counters of the member depending on the group or the stage the member is in.
- The type of update to be made.
, optional- Current day in the simulation. The default is None.
- The 'option'-string is expected to be one of the following strings: 'infectious', 'immunity', 'vaccine', 'recover', 'quarantine'. If 'option' does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised.
- Whether a change of attributes has been reached. No returns if option is 'vaccine'.
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def make_tick(self, option: str, timestamp: int = None): """ Update the private counters of the member depending on the group or the stage the member is in. Parameters ---------- option : str The type of update to be made. timestamp : int, optional Current day in the simulation. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError The 'option'-string is expected to be one of the following strings: 'infectious', 'immunity', 'vaccine', 'recover', 'quarantine'. If 'option' does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised. Returns ------- bool Whether a change of attributes has been reached. No returns if option is 'vaccine'. """ if option == "infectious": if self._infectious_in > 0: self._infectious_in -= 1 return self._infectious_in <= 0 elif option == "immunity": if self._immune_in <= 0: self._susceptible_in -= 1 if self._susceptible_in == 0: self._susceptible_in = -1 self.immune = False return True return False elif option == "vaccine": self._immune_in -= 1 if self._immune_in == 0: self.immune = True elif option == "recover": self._recovers_in -= 1 if self._recovers_in == 0: self._recovers_in = -1 self.infected = False self.immune = True return True return False elif option == "quarantine": self._released_in -= 1 if "days_in_quarantine" not in["days_in_quarantine"] = 0["days_in_quarantine"] += 1 if self._released_in == 0: if self.test(timestamp): self._released_in += 5 else: self._released_in = -1 self.quarantined = False return True return False else: raise ValueError("option not supported")
def quarantine(self, days: int)
Place the member in quarantine.
- Amount of days (in the simulation) the member has to stay in quarantine.
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def quarantine(self, days: int): """ Place the member in quarantine. Parameters ---------- days : int Amount of days (in the simulation) the member has to stay in quarantine. """ self.quarantined = True self._released_in = days
def test(self, timestamp: int)
Test the member for an infection.
- Current day in the simulation.
- Whether the test is positive.
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def test(self, timestamp: int): """ Test the member for an infection. Parameters ---------- timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. Returns ------- bool Whether the test is positive. """ result = self.infected * (np.random.uniform() < 0.99) if "tests" not in["tests"] = [0, 0]["tests"][result] += 1 self._last_tested = timestamp return result
def vaccinate(self, timestamp: int, vaccine_parameters: dict)
Vaccinate the member, if it is allowed to be vaccinated.
- Current day in the simulation.
- Dictionary containing all relevant vaccination parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 't_wait_vac', 't_wait_rec', 't_vac_effect', 't_immunity'.
- Whether the member has been vaccinated.
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def vaccinate(self, timestamp: int, vaccine_parameters: dict): """ Vaccinate the member, if it is allowed to be vaccinated. Parameters ---------- timestamp : int Current day in the simulation. vaccine_parameters : dict Dictionary containing all relevant vaccination parameters. Is expected to contain the keys 't_wait_vac', 't_wait_rec', 't_vac_effect', 't_immunity'. Returns ------- bool Whether the member has been vaccinated. """ vaccine_unavailable = self.infected or self.dead or self.quarantined or \ "vaccinations" in and \ timestamp <["vaccinations"][-1][1] + vaccine_parameters["t_wait_vac"] or \ "infections" in and \ timestamp <["infections"][-1][4] + vaccine_parameters["t_wait_rec"] if not vaccine_unavailable: vaccination_data = [(timestamp, timestamp + vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"], timestamp + vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"] + vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"])] if "vaccinations" in["vaccinations"] += vaccination_data else:["vaccinations"] = vaccination_data if self.immune: self._immune_in = 0 self._susceptible_in = max(vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"], self._susceptible_in) else: self._immune_in = vaccine_parameters["t_vac_effect"] self._susceptible_in = vaccine_parameters["t_immunity"] return True return False
class Population (name: str)
A representation of a larger set of people from several households. A subclass of Group, additionally consisting of a list of households.
Create a new population named 'name'.
- The name of the new population.
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class Population(Group): def __init__(self, name: str): """ A representation of a larger set of people from several households. A subclass of Group, additionally consisting of a list of households. Create a new population named 'name'. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the new population. """ super().__init__(name) self.households = {} def add_member(self, member: 'Member'): """ Add 'member' as a Member to the Population and to its Household within the Population. Parameters ---------- member : Member The member to be added to the Population. Raises ------ KeyError The member 'member' is expected to have the property 'household'. If 'member' does not meet the expectations, a KeyError will be raised. """ household_id =["household"] if household_id in self.households.keys(): self.households[household_id].add_member(member) else: household = Household(household_id) self.households[household_id] = household self.households[household_id].add_member(member) if type(self.members) == np.ndarray: self.members = np.append(self.members, member) else: self.members += [member] self.counter.increment() def save_as_json(self, path: str): """ Save the population as population.json at the given 'path'. Parameters ---------- path : str The path at which the population-file is to be saved. Raises ------ ValueError The population is expected to contain members. If the population does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised. """ if len(self.members) == 0: raise ValueError("Population can't be empty.") with open(path + "population.json", 'w') as f: wrapper = "{\n\t\"name\": \"" + + "\",\n\t\"size\": " + str(self.size) + ",\n\t\"members\": [\n" inner = "" for member in self: json_str = json.dumps(, indent=4) inner += json_str + ', \n' inner = textwrap.indent(inner[:-3] + '\n', '\t\t') f.write(wrapper + inner + "\t]\n}") f.close() def copy(self): """ Create a population as a copy of the population. (deep copy) Returns ------- Population The copy of the population. """ p = Population( p.members = list(p.members) for member in self.members: p.add_member(member.copy()) p.members = np.array(p.members) p.counter = self.counter.copy() return p @staticmethod def load_from_csv(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep): """ Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .csv. path : str, optional The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep. Returns ------- Population A Population object containing the data for the given file. """ p = Population(file_name[:-4]) p.members = [] with open(path + file_name, newline='') as f: progress = ProgressBar(1, sum(1 for _ in f) - 1) print("Loading population data...") progress.update(0) with open(path + file_name, newline='') as f: for m_dict in csv.DictReader(f): progress.update(1) p.add_member(Member(m_dict)) print("\nFinished loading.") p.members = np.array(p.members) p.counter.squash_history() return p @staticmethod def load_from_json(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep): """ Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .json. path : str, optional The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep. Returns ------- Population A Population object containing the data for the given file. """ p = Population(file_name[:-5]) p.members = [] with open(path + file_name, "r") as f: print("Load json...") data = json.load(f) print("Finished loading.\n\nAdding members to population...") progress = ProgressBar(1, len(data["members"])) progress.update(0) for member in data["members"]: progress.update(1) p.add_member(Member(member)) print("\nFinished adding members.") p.members = np.array(p.members) p.counter.squash_history() return p @staticmethod def load_from_file(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep): """ Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .csv or .json. path : str, optional The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep. Raises ------ ValueError file_name is expected to end in .csv or .json. If file_name does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised. Returns ------- Population A Population object containing the data for the given file. """ if file_name[-4:] == ".csv": return Population.load_from_csv(file_name, path) elif file_name[-5:] == ".json": return Population.load_from_json(file_name, path) else: raise ValueError("file_name must end in .csv or .json.")
Static methods
def load_from_csv(file_name: str, path: str = 'Populations/')
Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name.
- The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .csv.
, optional- The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep.
- A Population object containing the data for the given file.
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@staticmethod def load_from_csv(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep): """ Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .csv. path : str, optional The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep. Returns ------- Population A Population object containing the data for the given file. """ p = Population(file_name[:-4]) p.members = [] with open(path + file_name, newline='') as f: progress = ProgressBar(1, sum(1 for _ in f) - 1) print("Loading population data...") progress.update(0) with open(path + file_name, newline='') as f: for m_dict in csv.DictReader(f): progress.update(1) p.add_member(Member(m_dict)) print("\nFinished loading.") p.members = np.array(p.members) p.counter.squash_history() return p
def load_from_file(file_name: str, path: str = 'Populations/')
Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name.
- The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .csv or .json.
, optional- The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep.
- file_name is expected to end in .csv or .json. If file_name does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised.
- A Population object containing the data for the given file.
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@staticmethod def load_from_file(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep): """ Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .csv or .json. path : str, optional The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep. Raises ------ ValueError file_name is expected to end in .csv or .json. If file_name does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised. Returns ------- Population A Population object containing the data for the given file. """ if file_name[-4:] == ".csv": return Population.load_from_csv(file_name, path) elif file_name[-5:] == ".json": return Population.load_from_json(file_name, path) else: raise ValueError("file_name must end in .csv or .json.")
def load_from_json(file_name: str, path: str = 'Populations/')
Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name.
- The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .json.
, optional- The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep.
- A Population object containing the data for the given file.
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@staticmethod def load_from_json(file_name: str, path: str = "Populations" + sep): """ Create a Population object according to the data given in file_name. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the file containing the data of the population. Expected to end in .json. path : str, optional The path to the file named file_name. The default is "Populations" + sep. Returns ------- Population A Population object containing the data for the given file. """ p = Population(file_name[:-5]) p.members = [] with open(path + file_name, "r") as f: print("Load json...") data = json.load(f) print("Finished loading.\n\nAdding members to population...") progress = ProgressBar(1, len(data["members"])) progress.update(0) for member in data["members"]: progress.update(1) p.add_member(Member(member)) print("\nFinished adding members.") p.members = np.array(p.members) p.counter.squash_history() return p
def add_member(self, member: Member)
Add 'member' as a Member to the Population and to its Household within the Population.
- The member to be added to the Population.
- The member 'member' is expected to have the property 'household'. If 'member' does not meet the expectations, a KeyError will be raised.
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def add_member(self, member: 'Member'): """ Add 'member' as a Member to the Population and to its Household within the Population. Parameters ---------- member : Member The member to be added to the Population. Raises ------ KeyError The member 'member' is expected to have the property 'household'. If 'member' does not meet the expectations, a KeyError will be raised. """ household_id =["household"] if household_id in self.households.keys(): self.households[household_id].add_member(member) else: household = Household(household_id) self.households[household_id] = household self.households[household_id].add_member(member) if type(self.members) == np.ndarray: self.members = np.append(self.members, member) else: self.members += [member] self.counter.increment()
def copy(self)
Create a population as a copy of the population. (deep copy)
- The copy of the population.
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def copy(self): """ Create a population as a copy of the population. (deep copy) Returns ------- Population The copy of the population. """ p = Population( p.members = list(p.members) for member in self.members: p.add_member(member.copy()) p.members = np.array(p.members) p.counter = self.counter.copy() return p
def save_as_json(self, path: str)
Save the population as population.json at the given 'path'.
- The path at which the population-file is to be saved.
- The population is expected to contain members. If the population does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised.
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def save_as_json(self, path: str): """ Save the population as population.json at the given 'path'. Parameters ---------- path : str The path at which the population-file is to be saved. Raises ------ ValueError The population is expected to contain members. If the population does not meet the expectation, a ValueError will be raised. """ if len(self.members) == 0: raise ValueError("Population can't be empty.") with open(path + "population.json", 'w') as f: wrapper = "{\n\t\"name\": \"" + + "\",\n\t\"size\": " + str(self.size) + ",\n\t\"members\": [\n" inner = "" for member in self: json_str = json.dumps(, indent=4) inner += json_str + ', \n' inner = textwrap.indent(inner[:-3] + '\n', '\t\t') f.write(wrapper + inner + "\t]\n}") f.close()
Inherited members