Module src.Simulation
Allows user to run single simulations or whole scenarios with different custom settings, which then can be analysed with various postprocessing methods.
Expand source code
Allows user to run single simulations or whole scenarios
with different custom settings, which then can be analysed
with various postprocessing methods.
__all__ = ['Simulation', 'Scenarios', 'PostProcessing']
import json
import csv
import os
import shutil
from os.path import sep
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, BoundaryNorm
import numpy as np
from src.Network import Group, Population
from src.Utils import ProgressBar, Standalones
class Simulation:
def __init__(self, settings: dict):
Create a Simulation object with the given settings.
settings : dict
The dictionary containing all relevant settings for
the simulation.
self.settings = None
self.population = Population.load_from_file(self.settings["population_file"])
self._population_init = self.population.copy()
self.groups = {"Infected": Group("Infected"),
"Recovered": Group("Recovered"),
"Vaccinated": Group("Vaccinated"),
"Dead": Group("Dead"),
"Quarantined": Group("Quarantined")}
self.stats = {"new_infected": [0],
"new_recovered": [0],
"new_susceptible": [0],
"new_vaccinated": [0],
"new_dead": [0],
"ill_vaccinated": [0],
"test_results_-": [0],
"test_results_+": [0],
"seven_day_incidence": [0],
"in_lockdown": [0]
self.arrange_lockdown = False
self.lockdown_duration = 0
self.lockdown_ended = -np.inf
def start_iteration(self):
Starts the simulation and runs it until infection numbers
drop to zero or time given in 'maximum_simulation_time_interval'
is reached.
def initialize_groups():
def put_inits_in_respective_group():
gen_params = lambda: {
"incubation_period": -1,
"infection_period": np.random.poisson(c_infection),
"immunity_period": np.random.poisson(c_immunity)
for ini_inf in ini_infs:
ini_inf.infect(ini_inf, 0, gen_params())
for ini_rec in ini_recs:
ini_rec.recovered = True
for ini_vac in ini_vacs:
ini_vac.vaccinated = True
for group in self.groups.values():
infs_recs_vacs = np.random.choice(self.population.members,
size=n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs + n_ini_vacs,
ini_infs = infs_recs_vacs[:n_ini_inf]
ini_recs = infs_recs_vacs[n_ini_inf:n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs]
ini_vacs = infs_recs_vacs[n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs:]
def simulate_group(group: Group):
if == "Infected":
for member in group:
if member.make_tick("infectious"):
n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(c_inner), np.random.poisson(c_outer)
if self.arrange_lockdown:
n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(3/2 * c_inner), np.random.poisson(1/2 * c_outer)
if member.quarantined:
n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(2 * c_inner), 0
gen_params = lambda: {
"infection_probability_heuristic": infection_heuristic,
"vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic": vaccine_heuristic,
"incubation_period": np.random.poisson(c_incubation),
"infection_period": np.random.poisson(c_infection),
"immunity_period": np.random.poisson(c_immunity),
household = self.population.households[["household"]]
new_members["newly_infected"] += household.spread_disease(member, n_inner, tick, gen_params())
new_members["newly_infected"] += self.population.spread_disease(member, n_outer, tick,
if member.make_tick("recover"):
new_members["newly_recovered"] += [member]
member.recovered = True
elif np.random.uniform() < mortality_heuristic(
new_members["new_dead"] += [member]
if member.vaccinated:
new_members["newly_infected_vac"] = [m for m in new_members["newly_infected"] if m.vaccinated]
elif == "Recovered":
for member in group:
if member.make_tick("immunity"):
new_members["newly_susceptible_rec"] += [member]
new_members["newly_susceptible"] += [member]
elif == "Vaccinated":
for member in group:
if member.make_tick("immunity"):
new_members["newly_susceptible_vac"] += [member]
new_members["newly_susceptible"] += [member]
elif not member.infected:
elif == "Dead":
elif == "Quarantined":
for member in group:
if member.make_tick("quarantine", tick):
raise ValueError("Group '" + + "' does not have an update function")
def move_members_to_new_groups():
for member in new_members["newly_susceptible_rec"]:
member.recovered = False
for member in new_members["newly_susceptible_vac"]:
member.vaccinated = False
Group.move(new_members["newly_recovered"], self.groups["Infected"], self.groups["Recovered"])
Group.move(new_members["new_dead"], self.groups["Infected"], self.groups["Dead"])
for member in new_members["new_dead"]:
for member in new_members["newly_infected"]:
if member.vaccinated:
member.vaccinated = False
def simulate_vaccinations():
for member in new_members["staged_vaccinated"]:
gen_params = lambda: {
"t_vac_effect": np.random.poisson(c_vac_effect),
"t_immunity": np.random.poisson(c_vac_immunity),
"t_wait_vac": t_wait_vac,
"t_wait_rec": t_wait_rec
if member.vaccinate(tick, gen_params()):
if member.recovered:
Group.move([member], self.groups["Recovered"], self.groups["Vaccinated"])
member.recovered = False
elif not member.vaccinated:
member.vaccinated = True
new_members["not_vaccinated"] += [member]
def simulate_tests():
def test_and_quarantine_procedure(member):
result = False
if not member.quarantined and tick != member._last_tested:
if (not self.settings["test_vaccinated"]) and "vaccinations" in and \
tick <["vaccinations"][-1][0] + self.settings["vaccination_immunity_time"]:
return False
result = member.test(tick)
results[result] += 1
if result:
return result
def backtrack(member, depth):
if depth <= 0 or np.random.uniform() > self.settings["backtracking_probability"]:
for contact in member.recent_contacts:
if test_and_quarantine_procedure(contact):
backtrack(contact, depth - 1)
n_tests = min(np.random.poisson(c_tests), self.population.size)
results = [0, 0]
for member in np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_tests, replace=False):
if test_and_quarantine_procedure(member):
backtrack(member, self.settings["backtracking_depth"])
self.stats["test_results_-"] += [results[0]]
self.stats["test_results_+"] += [results[1]]
def decide_measure(measure: str):
if measure == "lockdown":
# Would a lockdown be arranged/prolonged?
if self.settings["start_lockdown_at"] <= self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]:
result = True
elif self.settings["end_lockdown_at"] >= self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]:
result = False
result = self.arrange_lockdown
# If it is (not) prolonged, is it still in the allowed duration interval?
if result:
if self.lockdown_duration >= self.settings["maximum_lockdown_duration"]:
self.lockdown_duration = 0
self.lockdown_ended = tick
result = False
if self.arrange_lockdown and self.lockdown_duration < self.settings["minimum_lockdown_duration"]:
result = True
if self.arrange_lockdown:
self.lockdown_ended = tick
self.lockdown_duration = 0
# If a new lockdown is arranged, is it sufficiently spaced from the last?
if result and not self.arrange_lockdown:
result = tick - self.lockdown_ended > self.settings["lockdown_gap"]
# Are enough people vaccinated?
if self.groups["Vaccinated"].size >= self.settings["heard_immunity"] * self.population.size:
result = self.arrange_lockdown
self.lockdown_duration += result
return result
raise ValueError("Measure not available")
def update_stats():
def calc_7di():
positive = self.stats["test_results_+"]
if len(positive) >= 7:
return round(sum(positive[-7:]) * 100000 / self.population.size)
return round(sum(positive) * 7 / len(positive) * 100000 / self.population.size)
self.stats["new_infected"] += [len(new_members["newly_infected"])]
self.stats["new_recovered"] += [len(new_members["newly_recovered"])]
self.stats["new_susceptible"] += [len(new_members["newly_susceptible"])]
self.stats["new_vaccinated"] += [n_vacs - len(new_members["not_vaccinated"])]
self.stats["new_dead"] += [len(new_members["new_dead"])]
self.stats["ill_vaccinated"] += [len(new_members["newly_infected_vac"])]
self.stats["seven_day_incidence"] += [calc_7di()]
self.stats["in_lockdown"] += [1 if self.arrange_lockdown else 0]
def print_stats():
color = bcolors.FAIL if self.arrange_lockdown else bcolors.OKGREEN
print(color + "\rDay: %04d, #Infected: %d, #Vaccinated: %d, #Quarantined: %d, #Dead: %d, 7di: %d\033[K"
% (tick,
self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]), end="")
print("\nInitializing simulation...")
# c -> put into poisson, n -> fixed value
tick = 0
infection_heuristic = self.settings["infection_probability_heuristic"]
mortality_heuristic = self.settings["mortality_probability_heuristic"]
vaccine_heuristic = self.settings["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"]
c_inner = self.settings["inner_reproduction_number"]
c_outer = self.settings["outer_reproduction_number"]
n_ini_inf = self.settings["number_of_initially_infected"]
n_ini_recs = self.settings["number_of_initially_recovered"]
n_ini_vacs = self.settings["number_of_initially_vaccinated"]
c_incubation = self.settings["incubation_time"]
c_infection = self.settings["infection_time"]
c_immunity = self.settings["recovered_immunity_time"]
c_vac_effect = self.settings["vaccination_takes_effect_time"]
c_vac_immunity = self.settings["vaccination_immunity_time"]
c_vacs = self.settings["vaccinations_per_day"]
c_tests = self.settings["tests_per_day"]
t_wait_vac = self.settings["waiting_time_vaccinated_until_new_vaccination"]
t_wait_rec = self.settings["waiting_time_recovered_until_vaccination"]
t_vac_available = self.settings["vaccine_available_as_of"]
max_t = self.settings["maximum_simulation_time_interval"]
print("Finished initializing simulation.\n\nStarting simulation...")
while True:
tick += 1
n_vacs = min(np.random.poisson(c_vacs), self.population.size)
n_vacs = round(n_vacs * np.exp(-100 / (tick - t_vac_available)) if tick > t_vac_available else 0)
self.arrange_lockdown = decide_measure("lockdown")
new_members = {
"newly_susceptible": [],
"newly_infected": [],
"newly_infected_vac": [],
"newly_recovered": [],
"newly_susceptible_rec": [],
"newly_susceptible_vac": [],
"staged_vaccinated": np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_vacs, replace=False),
"not_vaccinated": [],
"new_dead": []
for group in self.groups.values():
for group in self.groups.values():
if self.groups["Infected"].size == 0 or tick >= max_t:
print(bcolors.ENDC + "\nFinished simulation.")
def end_iteration(self):
Ends the simulation and saves the population data as
population.json, the progression data as progression.csv
and the used settings as settings.cfg in out/POPULATION_NAME/xxxx/.
If 'override_newest' is set to True, then the latest saved simulation
is overridden.
def set_out_path():
path = ".." + sep + "out" + sep + + sep
if not os.path.exists(path):
newest_iteration = Standalones.get_last_folder(path)
override = self.settings["override_newest"] \
if "override_newest" in self.settings.keys() \
else newest_iteration == "9999"
if not newest_iteration:
path += "0000" + sep
if override:
path += newest_iteration + sep
path += f"{int(newest_iteration) + 1 :04d}" + sep
return path
def save_disease_progression(path):
header = ",".join([ for group in self.groups.values()] + list(self.stats.keys()))
rows = np.array([group.history for group in self.groups.values()] +
[np.array(stat_values) for stat_values in self.stats.values()]).T
np.savetxt(path + "progression.csv", rows, fmt='%d', delimiter=",", header=header, comments='')
def save_options(path: str):
shutil.copyfile("Settings" + sep + self.settings["file"], path + "settings.cfg")
print("\nSaving simulation data...")
out_path = set_out_path()
if self.settings["override_newest"] and os.path.exists(out_path + "Plots"):
shutil.rmtree(out_path + "Plots")
print("Finished saving simulation data.")
def change_settings(self, settings: dict):
Change the settings of the current simulation.
If 'population_file' does not change, loading it is omitted.
settings : dict
The dictionary containing all relevant settings for
the simulation.
def check_settings():
all_settings = Standalones.make_settings("Template.cfg")
for property in all_settings.keys():
if property not in settings.keys():
settings[property] = all_settings[property]
if settings["start_lockdown_at"] < settings["end_lockdown_at"]:
raise ValueError("end_lockdown_at must be smaller than start_lockdown_at")
return settings
self.settings = check_settings()
if self.settings["population_file"] != settings["population_file"]:
self.population = Population.load_from_file(self.settings["population_file"])
def reset(self):
Resets simulation to its state of initialization.
self.population = self._population_init.copy()
for group in self.groups.values():
for stat in self.stats.keys():
self.stats[stat] = [0]
self.arrange_lockdown = False
self.lockdown_duration = 0
self.lockdown_ended = -np.inf
class Scenarios:
Class for simulating various scenarios
def single_simulation(settings: dict):
Run a single simulation with given settings.
settings : dict
The dictionary containing all relevant settings for
the simulation.
The simulation object.
sim = Simulation(settings)
return sim
def c_inner_vs_c_outer(settings: dict, n: int = 5):
Creates a \\(n \\times n\\)-heatmap containing the peak infection values for
each simulation in relation to the inner- and outer- reproduction numbers in
the range from 0 to 5. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png.
settings : dict
The dictionary containing all relevant settings for
the simulation.
n : int
Number of simulations along each axis.
Defaulted to 5.
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, LogNorm
custom = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', ['g', 'yellow', 'r'], N=255)
sim = Simulation(settings)
max_infection_values = np.zeros(shape=(n, n))
for x, c_i in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 5, n)):
for y, c_o in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 5, n)):
settings["inner_reproduction_number"] = c_i
settings["outer_reproduction_number"] = c_o
max_infection_values[y, x] = max(sim.groups["Infected"].history)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(max_infection_values, cmap=custom, norm=LogNorm())
plt.title("Maximum infection numbers in\nrelation to $c_{inner}$ and $c_{outer}$", pad=10)
plt.xticks(ticks=range(0, n), labels=["%.1f" % i for i in np.linspace(0, 5, n)])
plt.yticks(ticks=range(0, n), labels=["%.1f" % i for i in np.linspace(0, 5, n)])
for (j, i), label in np.ndenumerate(max_infection_values):
plt.text(i, j, int(label), ha='center', va='center')
Standalones.check_existence(".." + sep + "out" + sep + "general")
plt.savefig("../out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_%dx%d.png" % (n, n))
def mitigation_interval(settings: dict, interval_boundaries: tuple = (1.5, 3), samples: int = 16, avg_over: int = 10):
Creates a plot containing the (average) peak infection values for simulations
with varying outer reproduction numbers in the given range. Plot is saved as
settings : dict
The dictionary containing all relevant settings for
the simulation.
interval_boundaries : tuple
Range of outer reproduction numbers to simulate.
Defaulted to (1.5, 3).
samples: int
Number of (equidistant) values for outer reproduction number to
be simulated.
Defaulted to 16.
avg_over: int
Number of runs to average peak values over.
Defaulted to 10.
sim = Simulation(settings)
mitigation_interval = np.zeros(samples)
interval = np.linspace(interval_boundaries[0], interval_boundaries[1], samples)
for run in range(1, avg_over + 1):
print("\n" * 25 + "Run %d" % run)
for i, c_o in enumerate(interval):
settings["outer_reproduction_number"] = c_o
mitigation_interval[i] = (run - 1) / run * mitigation_interval[i] \
+ 1 / run * max(sim.groups["Infected"].history)
Standalones.check_existence(".." + sep + "out" + sep + "general")
plt.plot(interval, mitigation_interval, color='r')
plt.title("Maximum infection numbers in relation to $c_{outer}$.")
plt.ylabel("maximum infections")
plt.xticks(ticks=interval, labels=["%.2f" % i for i in interval])
plt.savefig("../out/general/mitigation%.2f-%.2f_%d.png" % (interval_boundaries[0], interval_boundaries[1], avg_over))
class PostProcessing:
Class for post processing generated simulation data
def infection_graph(folder: str):
Creates the infection-graph for the given simulation data and
saves it as folder/Plots/Infection_graph.pdf.
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def get_plot_elements():
f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))
member_id_dict = {member["id"]: i for i, member in enumerate(f["members"])}
p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"]))
for member in f["members"]:
self = member_id_dict[member["id"]]
if "infections" not in member.keys():
for infection in member["infections"]:
infectant = member_id_dict[infection[0]]
first_day = infection[2]
last_day = infection[4]
plot_elements["Lines"] += [[[self, first_day], [self, last_day]]]
if infectant != self:
plot_elements["Lines"] += [[[self, first_day], [infectant, first_day - 1]]]
plot_elements["Infected"] += [[self, first_day]]
plot_elements["Initials"] += [[self, 0]]
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
plot_elements = {"Initials": [], "Infected": [], "Lines": []}
plot_elements["Initials"] = np.array(plot_elements["Initials"])
plot_elements["Infected"] = np.array(plot_elements["Infected"])
plot_elements["Lines"] = np.array(plot_elements["Lines"])
ax = plt.gca()
ax.add_collection(LineCollection(plot_elements["Lines"], color='r', alpha=0.2, linewidth=0.01))
ax.plot(*plot_elements["Infected"][:, [0, 1]].T, color='r', marker='x', linestyle='None', markersize=0.01)
ax.plot(*plot_elements["Initials"][:, [0, 1]].T, color='b', marker='x', linestyle='None', markersize=0.01)
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "Infection_graph.pdf")
def progression_plots(folder: str):
Creates various plots showing the disease progression for the given simulation
data and saves them as folder/Plots/PLOT_NAME.png.
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def make_plot(plotname: str, title: str, datasets: iter, colors: iter, labels: iter = []):
_, ax = plt.subplots()
days = np.arange(0, len(datasets[0]), 1)
for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
ax.plot(dataset, color=colors[i])
ax.fill_between(days, 0, 1, where=data["in_lockdown"], color='red', alpha=0.25,
ax.set_xlim(0, days[-1])
if labels:
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + plotname)
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
population_size = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))["size"]
data_stream = csv.DictReader(open(folder + "progression.csv"))
data = {}
for row in data_stream:
for key, value in row.items():
if key not in data.keys():
data[key] = []
data[key] += [int(value)]
data = {column: np.array(data[column]) for column in data.keys()}
make_plot("SIRV.png", "Total",
[population_size - data["Infected"] - data["Recovered"] - data["Vaccinated"] - data["Dead"],
data["Infected"], data["Recovered"], data["Vaccinated"]],
['green', 'red', 'blue', 'cyan'],
["Susceptible", "Infected", "Recovered", "Vaccinated"])
make_plot("NewI.png", "New Infections",
[data["new_infected"], data["ill_vaccinated"]],
['red', 'purple'],
["Regular", "Vaccinated"])
make_plot("IR.png", "Infected & Recovered",
[data["Infected"], data["Recovered"]],
['red', 'blue'],
["Infected", "Recovered"])
make_plot("V.png", "Vaccinated",
make_plot("7DI.png", "Seven Day Incidence",
make_plot("D.png", "Dead",
def compare_inner_and_outer_infection_numbers(folder: str):
Creates a bar plot comparing the relative numbers of infections that
took place inside and outside of households and saves it as
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def get_infection_data():
f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))
p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"]))
for member in f["members"]:
if "infections" not in member.keys():
for infection in member["infections"]:
if infection[1]:
infection_data["inside"] += 1
infection_data["outside"] += 1
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
infection_data = {"inside": 0, "outside": 0}
p_inside = infection_data["inside"] / sum(infection_data.values())*zip(*infection_data.items()))
for i, v in enumerate([p_inside, 1 - p_inside]):
plt.text(i, list(infection_data.values())[i] / 2, "%.1f%%" % (100 * v), color='black', ha='center',
va='center', fontsize=32)
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "inner_vs_outer.png")
def mean_latency_period(folder: str):
Creates a bar plot comparing the latency periods and
evaluating the overall mean latency time and saves it as
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def get_infection_data():
f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))
p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"]))
for member in f["members"]:
if "infections" not in member.keys():
for infection in member["infections"]:
if infection[0] != member["id"]:
if infection[0] not in infection_data.keys():
infection_data[infection[0]] = []
infection_data[infection[0]] += [int(infection[2])]
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
infection_data = {}
latency_periods = {}
mean = 0.0
for i, infections in enumerate(infection_data.values()):
infections = sorted(infections)
for j in range(len(infections) - 1):
period = infections[j+1] - infections[j]
if period < 30:
if period not in latency_periods.keys():
latency_periods[period] = 0
latency_periods[period] += 1
mean = i / (i + 1) * mean + period / (i + 1)*zip(*latency_periods.items()))
plt.axvline(x=mean, color='r')
plt.title("mean = %.2f" % mean)
plt.xlabel("Latency period (days)")
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "latency_periods.png")
def vaccine_quotas(folder: str):
Creates a bar plot showing how many people have received how
many shots of the vaccine. Plot is saved as folder/Plots/vaccine_quotas.png.
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def get_vaccination_data():
f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))
p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"]))
for member in f["members"]:
if "vaccinations" not in member.keys():
n = len(member["vaccinations"])
if n not in vaccination_data.keys():
vaccination_data[n] = 0
vaccination_data[n] += 1
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
vaccination_data = {}
cumsum = np.sum(list(vaccination_data.values()))
vaccination_data = {n: 100 * vs / cumsum for n, vs in vaccination_data.items()}*zip(*vaccination_data.items()))
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "vaccine_quotas.png")
def death_distribution(folder: str):
Creates a bar plot showing the age distribution of people
who died saves the resulting plot as folder/Plots/death_distribution.png.
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def get_death_data():
f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))
p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"]))
for member in f["members"]:
if "Death" not in member.keys():
age = int(member["age"])
if age not in death_data.keys():
death_data[age] = 0
death_data[age] += 1
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
death_data = {}
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "death_distribution.png")
def effective_reproduction_number(folder: str):
Creates a plot showing the effective reproduction number over time
and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png.
folder : Folder with simulation data to process
def get_infection_data():
data_stream = csv.DictReader(open(folder + "progression.csv"))
data = {}
for row in data_stream:
for key, value in row.items():
if key not in data.keys():
data[key] = []
data[key] += [int(value)]
settings = Standalones.make_settings("settings.cfg", path=folder)
return settings["incubation_time"] + settings["infection_time"], data["Infected"], data["new_infected"], len(data["Infected"])
if folder[-1] != sep:
folder += sep
Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots")
mean_infection_time, infection_numbers, new_infection_numbers, duration = get_infection_data()
effective_r_values = np.zeros(duration)
for day in range(duration):
maxd = min(day + mean_infection_time, duration)
for timestamp in range(day, maxd):
effective_r_values[day] += new_infection_numbers[timestamp]
effective_r_values /= np.array(infection_numbers)
max_r = max(effective_r_values)
points = np.array([np.arange(duration), effective_r_values]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1)
cmap = ListedColormap(['g', 'orange', 'r'])
norm = BoundaryNorm([0, 0.8, 1.2, max(1.2, max_r)], cmap.N)
lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
plt.xlim([0, duration-1])
plt.ylim([0, max_r + 0.25])
plt.ylabel("Effective Reproduction number")
plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "effective_reproduction_number.png")
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
class PostProcessing
Class for post processing generated simulation data
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class PostProcessing: """ Class for post processing generated simulation data """ @staticmethod def infection_graph(folder: str): """ Creates the infection-graph for the given simulation data and saves it as folder/Plots/Infection_graph.pdf. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_plot_elements(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) member_id_dict = {member["id"]: i for i, member in enumerate(f["members"])} p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: self = member_id_dict[member["id"]] if "infections" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue for infection in member["infections"]: infectant = member_id_dict[infection[0]] first_day = infection[2] last_day = infection[4] plot_elements["Lines"] += [[[self, first_day], [self, last_day]]] if infectant != self: plot_elements["Lines"] += [[[self, first_day], [infectant, first_day - 1]]] plot_elements["Infected"] += [[self, first_day]] else: plot_elements["Initials"] += [[self, 0]] p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") plot_elements = {"Initials": [], "Infected": [], "Lines": []} get_plot_elements() plot_elements["Initials"] = np.array(plot_elements["Initials"]) plot_elements["Infected"] = np.array(plot_elements["Infected"]) plot_elements["Lines"] = np.array(plot_elements["Lines"]) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(LineCollection(plot_elements["Lines"], color='r', alpha=0.2, linewidth=0.01)) ax.plot(*plot_elements["Infected"][:, [0, 1]].T, color='r', marker='x', linestyle='None', markersize=0.01) ax.plot(*plot_elements["Initials"][:, [0, 1]].T, color='b', marker='x', linestyle='None', markersize=0.01) plt.xlabel('Population') plt.ylabel('Day') plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "Infection_graph.pdf") @staticmethod def progression_plots(folder: str): """ Creates various plots showing the disease progression for the given simulation data and saves them as folder/Plots/PLOT_NAME.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def make_plot(plotname: str, title: str, datasets: iter, colors: iter, labels: iter = []): _, ax = plt.subplots() days = np.arange(0, len(datasets[0]), 1) for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): ax.plot(dataset, color=colors[i]) ax.fill_between(days, 0, 1, where=data["in_lockdown"], color='red', alpha=0.25, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform()) ax.set_xlabel("t") ax.set_ylabel("#") ax.set_xlim(0, days[-1]) ax.set_title(title) if labels: ax.legend(labels) plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + plotname) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") population_size = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))["size"] data_stream = csv.DictReader(open(folder + "progression.csv")) data = {} for row in data_stream: for key, value in row.items(): if key not in data.keys(): data[key] = [] data[key] += [int(value)] data = {column: np.array(data[column]) for column in data.keys()} make_plot("SIRV.png", "Total", [population_size - data["Infected"] - data["Recovered"] - data["Vaccinated"] - data["Dead"], data["Infected"], data["Recovered"], data["Vaccinated"]], ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'cyan'], ["Susceptible", "Infected", "Recovered", "Vaccinated"]) make_plot("NewI.png", "New Infections", [data["new_infected"], data["ill_vaccinated"]], ['red', 'purple'], ["Regular", "Vaccinated"]) make_plot("IR.png", "Infected & Recovered", [data["Infected"], data["Recovered"]], ['red', 'blue'], ["Infected", "Recovered"]) make_plot("V.png", "Vaccinated", [data["Vaccinated"]], ['cyan'], ["Vaccinated"]) make_plot("7DI.png", "Seven Day Incidence", [data["seven_day_incidence"]], ['red']) make_plot("D.png", "Dead", [data["Dead"]], ['black']) @staticmethod def compare_inner_and_outer_infection_numbers(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot comparing the relative numbers of infections that took place inside and outside of households and saves it as folder/Plots/inner_vs_outer.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_infection_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "infections" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue for infection in member["infections"]: if infection[1]: infection_data["inside"] += 1 else: infection_data["outside"] += 1 p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") infection_data = {"inside": 0, "outside": 0} get_infection_data() p_inside = infection_data["inside"] / sum(infection_data.values())*zip(*infection_data.items())) for i, v in enumerate([p_inside, 1 - p_inside]): plt.text(i, list(infection_data.values())[i] / 2, "%.1f%%" % (100 * v), color='black', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=32) plt.ylabel('Total') plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "inner_vs_outer.png") @staticmethod def mean_latency_period(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot comparing the latency periods and evaluating the overall mean latency time and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_infection_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "infections" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue for infection in member["infections"]: if infection[0] != member["id"]: if infection[0] not in infection_data.keys(): infection_data[infection[0]] = [] infection_data[infection[0]] += [int(infection[2])] p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") infection_data = {} get_infection_data() latency_periods = {} mean = 0.0 for i, infections in enumerate(infection_data.values()): infections = sorted(infections) for j in range(len(infections) - 1): period = infections[j+1] - infections[j] if period < 30: if period not in latency_periods.keys(): latency_periods[period] = 0 latency_periods[period] += 1 mean = i / (i + 1) * mean + period / (i + 1)*zip(*latency_periods.items())) plt.axvline(x=mean, color='r') plt.title("mean = %.2f" % mean) plt.xlabel("Latency period (days)") plt.ylabel("#") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "latency_periods.png") @staticmethod def vaccine_quotas(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot showing how many people have received how many shots of the vaccine. Plot is saved as folder/Plots/vaccine_quotas.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_vaccination_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "vaccinations" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue n = len(member["vaccinations"]) if n not in vaccination_data.keys(): vaccination_data[n] = 0 vaccination_data[n] += 1 p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") vaccination_data = {} get_vaccination_data() cumsum = np.sum(list(vaccination_data.values())) vaccination_data = {n: 100 * vs / cumsum for n, vs in vaccination_data.items()}*zip(*vaccination_data.items())) plt.xlabel("Vaccinations") plt.ylabel("%") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "vaccine_quotas.png") @staticmethod def death_distribution(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot showing the age distribution of people who died saves the resulting plot as folder/Plots/death_distribution.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_death_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "Death" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue else: age = int(member["age"]) if age not in death_data.keys(): death_data[age] = 0 death_data[age] += 1 p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") death_data = {} get_death_data()*zip(*death_data.items())) plt.title("Deaths") plt.xlim(left=-1) plt.xlabel("age") plt.ylabel("#") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "death_distribution.png") @staticmethod def effective_reproduction_number(folder: str): """ Creates a plot showing the effective reproduction number over time and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_infection_data(): data_stream = csv.DictReader(open(folder + "progression.csv")) data = {} for row in data_stream: for key, value in row.items(): if key not in data.keys(): data[key] = [] data[key] += [int(value)] settings = Standalones.make_settings("settings.cfg", path=folder) return settings["incubation_time"] + settings["infection_time"], data["Infected"], data["new_infected"], len(data["Infected"]) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") mean_infection_time, infection_numbers, new_infection_numbers, duration = get_infection_data() effective_r_values = np.zeros(duration) for day in range(duration): maxd = min(day + mean_infection_time, duration) for timestamp in range(day, maxd): effective_r_values[day] += new_infection_numbers[timestamp] effective_r_values /= np.array(infection_numbers) max_r = max(effective_r_values) points = np.array([np.arange(duration), effective_r_values]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) cmap = ListedColormap(['g', 'orange', 'r']) norm = BoundaryNorm([0, 0.8, 1.2, max(1.2, max_r)], cmap.N) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) lc.set_array(effective_r_values) plt.gca().add_collection(lc) plt.xlim([0, duration-1]) plt.ylim([0, max_r + 0.25]) plt.xlabel("Day") plt.ylabel("Effective Reproduction number") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "effective_reproduction_number.png")
Static methods
def compare_inner_and_outer_infection_numbers(folder: str)
Creates a bar plot comparing the relative numbers of infections that took place inside and outside of households and saves it as folder/Plots/inner_vs_outer.png.
:Folder with simulation data to process
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@staticmethod def compare_inner_and_outer_infection_numbers(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot comparing the relative numbers of infections that took place inside and outside of households and saves it as folder/Plots/inner_vs_outer.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_infection_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "infections" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue for infection in member["infections"]: if infection[1]: infection_data["inside"] += 1 else: infection_data["outside"] += 1 p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") infection_data = {"inside": 0, "outside": 0} get_infection_data() p_inside = infection_data["inside"] / sum(infection_data.values())*zip(*infection_data.items())) for i, v in enumerate([p_inside, 1 - p_inside]): plt.text(i, list(infection_data.values())[i] / 2, "%.1f%%" % (100 * v), color='black', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=32) plt.ylabel('Total') plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "inner_vs_outer.png")
def death_distribution(folder: str)
Creates a bar plot showing the age distribution of people who died saves the resulting plot as folder/Plots/death_distribution.png.
:Folder with simulation data to process
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@staticmethod def death_distribution(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot showing the age distribution of people who died saves the resulting plot as folder/Plots/death_distribution.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_death_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "Death" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue else: age = int(member["age"]) if age not in death_data.keys(): death_data[age] = 0 death_data[age] += 1 p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") death_data = {} get_death_data()*zip(*death_data.items())) plt.title("Deaths") plt.xlim(left=-1) plt.xlabel("age") plt.ylabel("#") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "death_distribution.png")
def effective_reproduction_number(folder: str)
Creates a plot showing the effective reproduction number over time and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png.
:Folder with simulation data to process
Expand source code
@staticmethod def effective_reproduction_number(folder: str): """ Creates a plot showing the effective reproduction number over time and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_infection_data(): data_stream = csv.DictReader(open(folder + "progression.csv")) data = {} for row in data_stream: for key, value in row.items(): if key not in data.keys(): data[key] = [] data[key] += [int(value)] settings = Standalones.make_settings("settings.cfg", path=folder) return settings["incubation_time"] + settings["infection_time"], data["Infected"], data["new_infected"], len(data["Infected"]) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") mean_infection_time, infection_numbers, new_infection_numbers, duration = get_infection_data() effective_r_values = np.zeros(duration) for day in range(duration): maxd = min(day + mean_infection_time, duration) for timestamp in range(day, maxd): effective_r_values[day] += new_infection_numbers[timestamp] effective_r_values /= np.array(infection_numbers) max_r = max(effective_r_values) points = np.array([np.arange(duration), effective_r_values]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) cmap = ListedColormap(['g', 'orange', 'r']) norm = BoundaryNorm([0, 0.8, 1.2, max(1.2, max_r)], cmap.N) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) lc.set_array(effective_r_values) plt.gca().add_collection(lc) plt.xlim([0, duration-1]) plt.ylim([0, max_r + 0.25]) plt.xlabel("Day") plt.ylabel("Effective Reproduction number") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "effective_reproduction_number.png")
def infection_graph(folder: str)
Creates the infection-graph for the given simulation data and saves it as folder/Plots/Infection_graph.pdf.
:Folder with simulation data to process
Expand source code
@staticmethod def infection_graph(folder: str): """ Creates the infection-graph for the given simulation data and saves it as folder/Plots/Infection_graph.pdf. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_plot_elements(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) member_id_dict = {member["id"]: i for i, member in enumerate(f["members"])} p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: self = member_id_dict[member["id"]] if "infections" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue for infection in member["infections"]: infectant = member_id_dict[infection[0]] first_day = infection[2] last_day = infection[4] plot_elements["Lines"] += [[[self, first_day], [self, last_day]]] if infectant != self: plot_elements["Lines"] += [[[self, first_day], [infectant, first_day - 1]]] plot_elements["Infected"] += [[self, first_day]] else: plot_elements["Initials"] += [[self, 0]] p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") plot_elements = {"Initials": [], "Infected": [], "Lines": []} get_plot_elements() plot_elements["Initials"] = np.array(plot_elements["Initials"]) plot_elements["Infected"] = np.array(plot_elements["Infected"]) plot_elements["Lines"] = np.array(plot_elements["Lines"]) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(LineCollection(plot_elements["Lines"], color='r', alpha=0.2, linewidth=0.01)) ax.plot(*plot_elements["Infected"][:, [0, 1]].T, color='r', marker='x', linestyle='None', markersize=0.01) ax.plot(*plot_elements["Initials"][:, [0, 1]].T, color='b', marker='x', linestyle='None', markersize=0.01) plt.xlabel('Population') plt.ylabel('Day') plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "Infection_graph.pdf")
def mean_latency_period(folder: str)
Creates a bar plot comparing the latency periods and evaluating the overall mean latency time and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png.
:Folder with simulation data to process
Expand source code
@staticmethod def mean_latency_period(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot comparing the latency periods and evaluating the overall mean latency time and saves it as folder/Plots/latency_periods.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_infection_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "infections" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue for infection in member["infections"]: if infection[0] != member["id"]: if infection[0] not in infection_data.keys(): infection_data[infection[0]] = [] infection_data[infection[0]] += [int(infection[2])] p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") infection_data = {} get_infection_data() latency_periods = {} mean = 0.0 for i, infections in enumerate(infection_data.values()): infections = sorted(infections) for j in range(len(infections) - 1): period = infections[j+1] - infections[j] if period < 30: if period not in latency_periods.keys(): latency_periods[period] = 0 latency_periods[period] += 1 mean = i / (i + 1) * mean + period / (i + 1)*zip(*latency_periods.items())) plt.axvline(x=mean, color='r') plt.title("mean = %.2f" % mean) plt.xlabel("Latency period (days)") plt.ylabel("#") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "latency_periods.png")
def progression_plots(folder: str)
Creates various plots showing the disease progression for the given simulation data and saves them as folder/Plots/PLOT_NAME.png.
:Folder with simulation data to process
Expand source code
@staticmethod def progression_plots(folder: str): """ Creates various plots showing the disease progression for the given simulation data and saves them as folder/Plots/PLOT_NAME.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def make_plot(plotname: str, title: str, datasets: iter, colors: iter, labels: iter = []): _, ax = plt.subplots() days = np.arange(0, len(datasets[0]), 1) for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): ax.plot(dataset, color=colors[i]) ax.fill_between(days, 0, 1, where=data["in_lockdown"], color='red', alpha=0.25, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform()) ax.set_xlabel("t") ax.set_ylabel("#") ax.set_xlim(0, days[-1]) ax.set_title(title) if labels: ax.legend(labels) plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + plotname) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") population_size = json.load(open(folder + "population.json"))["size"] data_stream = csv.DictReader(open(folder + "progression.csv")) data = {} for row in data_stream: for key, value in row.items(): if key not in data.keys(): data[key] = [] data[key] += [int(value)] data = {column: np.array(data[column]) for column in data.keys()} make_plot("SIRV.png", "Total", [population_size - data["Infected"] - data["Recovered"] - data["Vaccinated"] - data["Dead"], data["Infected"], data["Recovered"], data["Vaccinated"]], ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'cyan'], ["Susceptible", "Infected", "Recovered", "Vaccinated"]) make_plot("NewI.png", "New Infections", [data["new_infected"], data["ill_vaccinated"]], ['red', 'purple'], ["Regular", "Vaccinated"]) make_plot("IR.png", "Infected & Recovered", [data["Infected"], data["Recovered"]], ['red', 'blue'], ["Infected", "Recovered"]) make_plot("V.png", "Vaccinated", [data["Vaccinated"]], ['cyan'], ["Vaccinated"]) make_plot("7DI.png", "Seven Day Incidence", [data["seven_day_incidence"]], ['red']) make_plot("D.png", "Dead", [data["Dead"]], ['black'])
def vaccine_quotas(folder: str)
Creates a bar plot showing how many people have received how many shots of the vaccine. Plot is saved as folder/Plots/vaccine_quotas.png.
:Folder with simulation data to process
Expand source code
@staticmethod def vaccine_quotas(folder: str): """ Creates a bar plot showing how many people have received how many shots of the vaccine. Plot is saved as folder/Plots/vaccine_quotas.png. Parameters ---------- folder : Folder with simulation data to process """ def get_vaccination_data(): f = json.load(open(folder + "population.json")) p = ProgressBar(0, len(f["members"])) for member in f["members"]: if "vaccinations" not in member.keys(): p.update(1) continue n = len(member["vaccinations"]) if n not in vaccination_data.keys(): vaccination_data[n] = 0 vaccination_data[n] += 1 p.update(1) if folder[-1] != sep: folder += sep Standalones.check_existence(folder + "Plots") vaccination_data = {} get_vaccination_data() cumsum = np.sum(list(vaccination_data.values())) vaccination_data = {n: 100 * vs / cumsum for n, vs in vaccination_data.items()}*zip(*vaccination_data.items())) plt.xlabel("Vaccinations") plt.ylabel("%") plt.savefig(folder + "Plots" + sep + "vaccine_quotas.png")
class Scenarios
Class for simulating various scenarios
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class Scenarios: """ Class for simulating various scenarios """ @staticmethod def single_simulation(settings: dict): """ Run a single simulation with given settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. Returns ---------- Simulation The simulation object. """ sim = Simulation(settings) sim.start_iteration() sim.end_iteration() return sim @staticmethod def c_inner_vs_c_outer(settings: dict, n: int = 5): """ Creates a \\(n \\times n\\)-heatmap containing the peak infection values for each simulation in relation to the inner- and outer- reproduction numbers in the range from 0 to 5. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. n : int Number of simulations along each axis. Defaulted to 5. """ from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, LogNorm custom = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', ['g', 'yellow', 'r'], N=255) sim = Simulation(settings) max_infection_values = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)) for x, c_i in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 5, n)): for y, c_o in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 5, n)): settings["inner_reproduction_number"] = c_i settings["outer_reproduction_number"] = c_o sim.reset() sim.change_settings(settings) sim.start_iteration() max_infection_values[y, x] = max(sim.groups["Infected"].history) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(max_infection_values, cmap=custom, norm=LogNorm()) plt.title("Maximum infection numbers in\nrelation to $c_{inner}$ and $c_{outer}$", pad=10) plt.xlabel("$c_{inner}$") plt.ylabel("$c_{outer}$") plt.xticks(ticks=range(0, n), labels=["%.1f" % i for i in np.linspace(0, 5, n)]) plt.yticks(ticks=range(0, n), labels=["%.1f" % i for i in np.linspace(0, 5, n)]) for (j, i), label in np.ndenumerate(max_infection_values): plt.text(i, j, int(label), ha='center', va='center') Standalones.check_existence(".." + sep + "out" + sep + "general") plt.savefig("../out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_%dx%d.png" % (n, n)) print(max_infection_values) @staticmethod def mitigation_interval(settings: dict, interval_boundaries: tuple = (1.5, 3), samples: int = 16, avg_over: int = 10): """ Creates a plot containing the (average) peak infection values for simulations with varying outer reproduction numbers in the given range. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. interval_boundaries : tuple Range of outer reproduction numbers to simulate. Defaulted to (1.5, 3). samples: int Number of (equidistant) values for outer reproduction number to be simulated. Defaulted to 16. avg_over: int Number of runs to average peak values over. Defaulted to 10. """ sim = Simulation(settings) mitigation_interval = np.zeros(samples) interval = np.linspace(interval_boundaries[0], interval_boundaries[1], samples) for run in range(1, avg_over + 1): print("\n" * 25 + "Run %d" % run) for i, c_o in enumerate(interval): settings["outer_reproduction_number"] = c_o sim.reset() sim.change_settings(settings) sim.start_iteration() mitigation_interval[i] = (run - 1) / run * mitigation_interval[i] \ + 1 / run * max(sim.groups["Infected"].history) Standalones.check_existence(".." + sep + "out" + sep + "general") plt.plot(interval, mitigation_interval, color='r') plt.title("Maximum infection numbers in relation to $c_{outer}$.") plt.xlabel("$c_{outer}$") plt.ylabel("maximum infections") plt.xticks(ticks=interval, labels=["%.2f" % i for i in interval]) plt.xlim(interval_boundaries) plt.grid() plt.savefig("../out/general/mitigation%.2f-%.2f_%d.png" % (interval_boundaries[0], interval_boundaries[1], avg_over))
Static methods
def c_inner_vs_c_outer(settings: dict, n: int = 5)
Creates a n \times n-heatmap containing the peak infection values for each simulation in relation to the inner- and outer- reproduction numbers in the range from 0 to 5. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png.
- The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation.
- Number of simulations along each axis. Defaulted to 5.
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@staticmethod def c_inner_vs_c_outer(settings: dict, n: int = 5): """ Creates a \\(n \\times n\\)-heatmap containing the peak infection values for each simulation in relation to the inner- and outer- reproduction numbers in the range from 0 to 5. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. n : int Number of simulations along each axis. Defaulted to 5. """ from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, LogNorm custom = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', ['g', 'yellow', 'r'], N=255) sim = Simulation(settings) max_infection_values = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)) for x, c_i in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 5, n)): for y, c_o in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 5, n)): settings["inner_reproduction_number"] = c_i settings["outer_reproduction_number"] = c_o sim.reset() sim.change_settings(settings) sim.start_iteration() max_infection_values[y, x] = max(sim.groups["Infected"].history) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(max_infection_values, cmap=custom, norm=LogNorm()) plt.title("Maximum infection numbers in\nrelation to $c_{inner}$ and $c_{outer}$", pad=10) plt.xlabel("$c_{inner}$") plt.ylabel("$c_{outer}$") plt.xticks(ticks=range(0, n), labels=["%.1f" % i for i in np.linspace(0, 5, n)]) plt.yticks(ticks=range(0, n), labels=["%.1f" % i for i in np.linspace(0, 5, n)]) for (j, i), label in np.ndenumerate(max_infection_values): plt.text(i, j, int(label), ha='center', va='center') Standalones.check_existence(".." + sep + "out" + sep + "general") plt.savefig("../out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_%dx%d.png" % (n, n)) print(max_infection_values)
def mitigation_interval(settings: dict, interval_boundaries: tuple = (1.5, 3), samples: int = 16, avg_over: int = 10)
Creates a plot containing the (average) peak infection values for simulations with varying outer reproduction numbers in the given range. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png.
- The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation.
- Range of outer reproduction numbers to simulate. Defaulted to (1.5, 3).
- Number of (equidistant) values for outer reproduction number to be simulated. Defaulted to 16.
- Number of runs to average peak values over. Defaulted to 10.
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@staticmethod def mitigation_interval(settings: dict, interval_boundaries: tuple = (1.5, 3), samples: int = 16, avg_over: int = 10): """ Creates a plot containing the (average) peak infection values for simulations with varying outer reproduction numbers in the given range. Plot is saved as out/general/c_inner_vs_c_outer_nxn.png. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. interval_boundaries : tuple Range of outer reproduction numbers to simulate. Defaulted to (1.5, 3). samples: int Number of (equidistant) values for outer reproduction number to be simulated. Defaulted to 16. avg_over: int Number of runs to average peak values over. Defaulted to 10. """ sim = Simulation(settings) mitigation_interval = np.zeros(samples) interval = np.linspace(interval_boundaries[0], interval_boundaries[1], samples) for run in range(1, avg_over + 1): print("\n" * 25 + "Run %d" % run) for i, c_o in enumerate(interval): settings["outer_reproduction_number"] = c_o sim.reset() sim.change_settings(settings) sim.start_iteration() mitigation_interval[i] = (run - 1) / run * mitigation_interval[i] \ + 1 / run * max(sim.groups["Infected"].history) Standalones.check_existence(".." + sep + "out" + sep + "general") plt.plot(interval, mitigation_interval, color='r') plt.title("Maximum infection numbers in relation to $c_{outer}$.") plt.xlabel("$c_{outer}$") plt.ylabel("maximum infections") plt.xticks(ticks=interval, labels=["%.2f" % i for i in interval]) plt.xlim(interval_boundaries) plt.grid() plt.savefig("../out/general/mitigation%.2f-%.2f_%d.png" % (interval_boundaries[0], interval_boundaries[1], avg_over))
def single_simulation(settings: dict)
Run a single simulation with given settings.
- The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation.
- The simulation object.
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@staticmethod def single_simulation(settings: dict): """ Run a single simulation with given settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. Returns ---------- Simulation The simulation object. """ sim = Simulation(settings) sim.start_iteration() sim.end_iteration() return sim
class Simulation (settings: dict)
Create a Simulation object with the given settings.
- The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation.
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class Simulation: def __init__(self, settings: dict): """ Create a Simulation object with the given settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. """ self.settings = None self.change_settings(settings) self.population = Population.load_from_file(self.settings["population_file"]) self._population_init = self.population.copy() self.groups = {"Infected": Group("Infected"), "Recovered": Group("Recovered"), "Vaccinated": Group("Vaccinated"), "Dead": Group("Dead"), "Quarantined": Group("Quarantined")} self.stats = {"new_infected": [0], "new_recovered": [0], "new_susceptible": [0], "new_vaccinated": [0], "new_dead": [0], "ill_vaccinated": [0], "test_results_-": [0], "test_results_+": [0], "seven_day_incidence": [0], "in_lockdown": [0] } self.arrange_lockdown = False self.lockdown_duration = 0 self.lockdown_ended = -np.inf def start_iteration(self): """ Starts the simulation and runs it until infection numbers drop to zero or time given in 'maximum_simulation_time_interval' is reached. """ def initialize_groups(): def put_inits_in_respective_group(): gen_params = lambda: { "incubation_period": -1, "infection_period": np.random.poisson(c_infection), "immunity_period": np.random.poisson(c_immunity) } for ini_inf in ini_infs: ini_inf.infect(ini_inf, 0, gen_params()) self.groups["Infected"].add_member(ini_inf) for ini_rec in ini_recs: ini_rec.make_immune(np.random.poisson(c_immunity)) self.groups["Recovered"].add_member(ini_rec) ini_rec.recovered = True for ini_vac in ini_vacs: ini_vac.make_immune(np.random.poisson(c_vac_immunity)) self.groups["Vaccinated"].add_member(ini_vac) ini_vac.vaccinated = True for group in self.groups.values(): group.counter.save_count() group.counter.squash_history() infs_recs_vacs = np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs + n_ini_vacs, replace=False) ini_infs = infs_recs_vacs[:n_ini_inf] ini_recs = infs_recs_vacs[n_ini_inf:n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs] ini_vacs = infs_recs_vacs[n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs:] put_inits_in_respective_group() def simulate_group(group: Group): if == "Infected": for member in group: if member.make_tick("infectious"): n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(c_inner), np.random.poisson(c_outer) if self.arrange_lockdown: n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(3/2 * c_inner), np.random.poisson(1/2 * c_outer) if member.quarantined: n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(2 * c_inner), 0 gen_params = lambda: { "infection_probability_heuristic": infection_heuristic, "vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic": vaccine_heuristic, "incubation_period": np.random.poisson(c_incubation), "infection_period": np.random.poisson(c_infection), "immunity_period": np.random.poisson(c_immunity), } household = self.population.households[["household"]] new_members["newly_infected"] += household.spread_disease(member, n_inner, tick, gen_params()) new_members["newly_infected"] += self.population.spread_disease(member, n_outer, tick, gen_params()) if member.make_tick("recover"): new_members["newly_recovered"] += [member] member.recovered = True elif np.random.uniform() < mortality_heuristic( new_members["new_dead"] += [member] member.make_dead(tick) if member.vaccinated: member.make_tick("vaccine") new_members["newly_infected_vac"] = [m for m in new_members["newly_infected"] if m.vaccinated] elif == "Recovered": for member in group: if member.make_tick("immunity"): new_members["newly_susceptible_rec"] += [member] new_members["newly_susceptible"] += [member] elif == "Vaccinated": for member in group: if member.make_tick("immunity"): new_members["newly_susceptible_vac"] += [member] new_members["newly_susceptible"] += [member] elif not member.infected: member.make_tick("vaccine") elif == "Dead": pass elif == "Quarantined": for member in group: if member.make_tick("quarantine", tick): group.remove_member(member) else: raise ValueError("Group '" + + "' does not have an update function") def move_members_to_new_groups(): for member in new_members["newly_susceptible_rec"]: self.groups["Recovered"].remove_member(member) member.recovered = False for member in new_members["newly_susceptible_vac"]: self.groups["Vaccinated"].remove_member(member) member.vaccinated = False Group.move(new_members["newly_recovered"], self.groups["Infected"], self.groups["Recovered"]) Group.move(new_members["new_dead"], self.groups["Infected"], self.groups["Dead"]) for member in new_members["new_dead"]: self.groups["Quarantined"].remove_member(member) for member in new_members["newly_infected"]: self.groups["Infected"].add_member(member) if member.vaccinated: self.groups["Vaccinated"].remove_member(member) member.vaccinated = False def simulate_vaccinations(): for member in new_members["staged_vaccinated"]: gen_params = lambda: { "t_vac_effect": np.random.poisson(c_vac_effect), "t_immunity": np.random.poisson(c_vac_immunity), "t_wait_vac": t_wait_vac, "t_wait_rec": t_wait_rec } if member.vaccinate(tick, gen_params()): if member.recovered: Group.move([member], self.groups["Recovered"], self.groups["Vaccinated"]) member.recovered = False elif not member.vaccinated: self.groups["Vaccinated"].add_member(member) member.vaccinated = True else: new_members["not_vaccinated"] += [member] def simulate_tests(): def test_and_quarantine_procedure(member): result = False if not member.quarantined and tick != member._last_tested: if (not self.settings["test_vaccinated"]) and "vaccinations" in and \ tick <["vaccinations"][-1][0] + self.settings["vaccination_immunity_time"]: return False result = member.test(tick) results[result] += 1 if result: member.quarantine(self.settings["quarantine_duration"]) self.groups["Quarantined"].add_member(member) return result def backtrack(member, depth): if depth <= 0 or np.random.uniform() > self.settings["backtracking_probability"]: return for contact in member.recent_contacts: if test_and_quarantine_procedure(contact): backtrack(contact, depth - 1) n_tests = min(np.random.poisson(c_tests), self.population.size) results = [0, 0] for member in np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_tests, replace=False): if test_and_quarantine_procedure(member): backtrack(member, self.settings["backtracking_depth"]) self.stats["test_results_-"] += [results[0]] self.stats["test_results_+"] += [results[1]] def decide_measure(measure: str): if measure == "lockdown": # Would a lockdown be arranged/prolonged? if self.settings["start_lockdown_at"] <= self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]: result = True elif self.settings["end_lockdown_at"] >= self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]: result = False else: result = self.arrange_lockdown # If it is (not) prolonged, is it still in the allowed duration interval? if result: if self.lockdown_duration >= self.settings["maximum_lockdown_duration"]: self.lockdown_duration = 0 self.lockdown_ended = tick result = False else: if self.arrange_lockdown and self.lockdown_duration < self.settings["minimum_lockdown_duration"]: result = True else: if self.arrange_lockdown: self.lockdown_ended = tick self.lockdown_duration = 0 # If a new lockdown is arranged, is it sufficiently spaced from the last? if result and not self.arrange_lockdown: result = tick - self.lockdown_ended > self.settings["lockdown_gap"] # Are enough people vaccinated? if self.groups["Vaccinated"].size >= self.settings["heard_immunity"] * self.population.size: result = self.arrange_lockdown self.lockdown_duration += result return result else: raise ValueError("Measure not available") def update_stats(): def calc_7di(): positive = self.stats["test_results_+"] if len(positive) >= 7: return round(sum(positive[-7:]) * 100000 / self.population.size) else: return round(sum(positive) * 7 / len(positive) * 100000 / self.population.size) self.stats["new_infected"] += [len(new_members["newly_infected"])] self.stats["new_recovered"] += [len(new_members["newly_recovered"])] self.stats["new_susceptible"] += [len(new_members["newly_susceptible"])] self.stats["new_vaccinated"] += [n_vacs - len(new_members["not_vaccinated"])] self.stats["new_dead"] += [len(new_members["new_dead"])] self.stats["ill_vaccinated"] += [len(new_members["newly_infected_vac"])] self.stats["seven_day_incidence"] += [calc_7di()] self.stats["in_lockdown"] += [1 if self.arrange_lockdown else 0] def print_stats(): color = bcolors.FAIL if self.arrange_lockdown else bcolors.OKGREEN print(color + "\rDay: %04d, #Infected: %d, #Vaccinated: %d, #Quarantined: %d, #Dead: %d, 7di: %d\033[K" % (tick, self.groups["Infected"].size, self.groups["Vaccinated"].size, self.groups["Quarantined"].size, self.groups["Dead"].size, self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]), end="") print("\nInitializing simulation...") # c -> put into poisson, n -> fixed value tick = 0 infection_heuristic = self.settings["infection_probability_heuristic"] mortality_heuristic = self.settings["mortality_probability_heuristic"] vaccine_heuristic = self.settings["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"] c_inner = self.settings["inner_reproduction_number"] c_outer = self.settings["outer_reproduction_number"] n_ini_inf = self.settings["number_of_initially_infected"] n_ini_recs = self.settings["number_of_initially_recovered"] n_ini_vacs = self.settings["number_of_initially_vaccinated"] c_incubation = self.settings["incubation_time"] c_infection = self.settings["infection_time"] c_immunity = self.settings["recovered_immunity_time"] c_vac_effect = self.settings["vaccination_takes_effect_time"] c_vac_immunity = self.settings["vaccination_immunity_time"] c_vacs = self.settings["vaccinations_per_day"] c_tests = self.settings["tests_per_day"] t_wait_vac = self.settings["waiting_time_vaccinated_until_new_vaccination"] t_wait_rec = self.settings["waiting_time_recovered_until_vaccination"] t_vac_available = self.settings["vaccine_available_as_of"] max_t = self.settings["maximum_simulation_time_interval"] initialize_groups() print("Finished initializing simulation.\n\nStarting simulation...") print_stats() while True: tick += 1 n_vacs = min(np.random.poisson(c_vacs), self.population.size) n_vacs = round(n_vacs * np.exp(-100 / (tick - t_vac_available)) if tick > t_vac_available else 0) self.arrange_lockdown = decide_measure("lockdown") new_members = { "newly_susceptible": [], "newly_infected": [], "newly_infected_vac": [], "newly_recovered": [], "newly_susceptible_rec": [], "newly_susceptible_vac": [], "staged_vaccinated": np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_vacs, replace=False), "not_vaccinated": [], "new_dead": [] } for group in self.groups.values(): simulate_group(group) move_members_to_new_groups() simulate_vaccinations() simulate_tests() for group in self.groups.values(): group.counter.save_count() update_stats() print_stats() if self.groups["Infected"].size == 0 or tick >= max_t: break print(bcolors.ENDC + "\nFinished simulation.") def end_iteration(self): """ Ends the simulation and saves the population data as population.json, the progression data as progression.csv and the used settings as settings.cfg in out/POPULATION_NAME/xxxx/. If 'override_newest' is set to True, then the latest saved simulation is overridden. """ def set_out_path(): path = ".." + sep + "out" + sep + + sep if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) newest_iteration = Standalones.get_last_folder(path) override = self.settings["override_newest"] \ if "override_newest" in self.settings.keys() \ else newest_iteration == "9999" if not newest_iteration: path += "0000" + sep os.mkdir(path) else: if override: path += newest_iteration + sep else: path += f"{int(newest_iteration) + 1 :04d}" + sep os.mkdir(path) return path def save_disease_progression(path): header = ",".join([ for group in self.groups.values()] + list(self.stats.keys())) rows = np.array([group.history for group in self.groups.values()] + [np.array(stat_values) for stat_values in self.stats.values()]).T np.savetxt(path + "progression.csv", rows, fmt='%d', delimiter=",", header=header, comments='') def save_options(path: str): shutil.copyfile("Settings" + sep + self.settings["file"], path + "settings.cfg") print("\nSaving simulation data...") out_path = set_out_path() self.population.save_as_json(out_path) save_disease_progression(out_path) save_options(out_path) if self.settings["override_newest"] and os.path.exists(out_path + "Plots"): shutil.rmtree(out_path + "Plots") print("Finished saving simulation data.") def change_settings(self, settings: dict): """ Change the settings of the current simulation. If 'population_file' does not change, loading it is omitted. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. """ def check_settings(): all_settings = Standalones.make_settings("Template.cfg") for property in all_settings.keys(): if property not in settings.keys(): settings[property] = all_settings[property] if settings["start_lockdown_at"] < settings["end_lockdown_at"]: raise ValueError("end_lockdown_at must be smaller than start_lockdown_at") return settings self.settings = check_settings() if self.settings["population_file"] != settings["population_file"]: self.population = Population.load_from_file(self.settings["population_file"]) def reset(self): """ Resets simulation to its state of initialization. """ self.population = self._population_init.copy() for group in self.groups.values(): group.reset() for stat in self.stats.keys(): self.stats[stat] = [0] self.arrange_lockdown = False self.lockdown_duration = 0 self.lockdown_ended = -np.inf
def change_settings(self, settings: dict)
Change the settings of the current simulation.
If 'population_file' does not change, loading it is omitted.
- The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation.
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def change_settings(self, settings: dict): """ Change the settings of the current simulation. If 'population_file' does not change, loading it is omitted. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary containing all relevant settings for the simulation. """ def check_settings(): all_settings = Standalones.make_settings("Template.cfg") for property in all_settings.keys(): if property not in settings.keys(): settings[property] = all_settings[property] if settings["start_lockdown_at"] < settings["end_lockdown_at"]: raise ValueError("end_lockdown_at must be smaller than start_lockdown_at") return settings self.settings = check_settings() if self.settings["population_file"] != settings["population_file"]: self.population = Population.load_from_file(self.settings["population_file"])
def end_iteration(self)
Ends the simulation and saves the population data as population.json, the progression data as progression.csv and the used settings as settings.cfg in out/POPULATION_NAME/xxxx/.
If 'override_newest' is set to True, then the latest saved simulation is overridden.
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def end_iteration(self): """ Ends the simulation and saves the population data as population.json, the progression data as progression.csv and the used settings as settings.cfg in out/POPULATION_NAME/xxxx/. If 'override_newest' is set to True, then the latest saved simulation is overridden. """ def set_out_path(): path = ".." + sep + "out" + sep + + sep if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) newest_iteration = Standalones.get_last_folder(path) override = self.settings["override_newest"] \ if "override_newest" in self.settings.keys() \ else newest_iteration == "9999" if not newest_iteration: path += "0000" + sep os.mkdir(path) else: if override: path += newest_iteration + sep else: path += f"{int(newest_iteration) + 1 :04d}" + sep os.mkdir(path) return path def save_disease_progression(path): header = ",".join([ for group in self.groups.values()] + list(self.stats.keys())) rows = np.array([group.history for group in self.groups.values()] + [np.array(stat_values) for stat_values in self.stats.values()]).T np.savetxt(path + "progression.csv", rows, fmt='%d', delimiter=",", header=header, comments='') def save_options(path: str): shutil.copyfile("Settings" + sep + self.settings["file"], path + "settings.cfg") print("\nSaving simulation data...") out_path = set_out_path() self.population.save_as_json(out_path) save_disease_progression(out_path) save_options(out_path) if self.settings["override_newest"] and os.path.exists(out_path + "Plots"): shutil.rmtree(out_path + "Plots") print("Finished saving simulation data.")
def reset(self)
Resets simulation to its state of initialization.
Expand source code
def reset(self): """ Resets simulation to its state of initialization. """ self.population = self._population_init.copy() for group in self.groups.values(): group.reset() for stat in self.stats.keys(): self.stats[stat] = [0] self.arrange_lockdown = False self.lockdown_duration = 0 self.lockdown_ended = -np.inf
def start_iteration(self)
Starts the simulation and runs it until infection numbers drop to zero or time given in 'maximum_simulation_time_interval' is reached.
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def start_iteration(self): """ Starts the simulation and runs it until infection numbers drop to zero or time given in 'maximum_simulation_time_interval' is reached. """ def initialize_groups(): def put_inits_in_respective_group(): gen_params = lambda: { "incubation_period": -1, "infection_period": np.random.poisson(c_infection), "immunity_period": np.random.poisson(c_immunity) } for ini_inf in ini_infs: ini_inf.infect(ini_inf, 0, gen_params()) self.groups["Infected"].add_member(ini_inf) for ini_rec in ini_recs: ini_rec.make_immune(np.random.poisson(c_immunity)) self.groups["Recovered"].add_member(ini_rec) ini_rec.recovered = True for ini_vac in ini_vacs: ini_vac.make_immune(np.random.poisson(c_vac_immunity)) self.groups["Vaccinated"].add_member(ini_vac) ini_vac.vaccinated = True for group in self.groups.values(): group.counter.save_count() group.counter.squash_history() infs_recs_vacs = np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs + n_ini_vacs, replace=False) ini_infs = infs_recs_vacs[:n_ini_inf] ini_recs = infs_recs_vacs[n_ini_inf:n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs] ini_vacs = infs_recs_vacs[n_ini_inf + n_ini_recs:] put_inits_in_respective_group() def simulate_group(group: Group): if == "Infected": for member in group: if member.make_tick("infectious"): n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(c_inner), np.random.poisson(c_outer) if self.arrange_lockdown: n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(3/2 * c_inner), np.random.poisson(1/2 * c_outer) if member.quarantined: n_inner, n_outer = np.random.poisson(2 * c_inner), 0 gen_params = lambda: { "infection_probability_heuristic": infection_heuristic, "vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic": vaccine_heuristic, "incubation_period": np.random.poisson(c_incubation), "infection_period": np.random.poisson(c_infection), "immunity_period": np.random.poisson(c_immunity), } household = self.population.households[["household"]] new_members["newly_infected"] += household.spread_disease(member, n_inner, tick, gen_params()) new_members["newly_infected"] += self.population.spread_disease(member, n_outer, tick, gen_params()) if member.make_tick("recover"): new_members["newly_recovered"] += [member] member.recovered = True elif np.random.uniform() < mortality_heuristic( new_members["new_dead"] += [member] member.make_dead(tick) if member.vaccinated: member.make_tick("vaccine") new_members["newly_infected_vac"] = [m for m in new_members["newly_infected"] if m.vaccinated] elif == "Recovered": for member in group: if member.make_tick("immunity"): new_members["newly_susceptible_rec"] += [member] new_members["newly_susceptible"] += [member] elif == "Vaccinated": for member in group: if member.make_tick("immunity"): new_members["newly_susceptible_vac"] += [member] new_members["newly_susceptible"] += [member] elif not member.infected: member.make_tick("vaccine") elif == "Dead": pass elif == "Quarantined": for member in group: if member.make_tick("quarantine", tick): group.remove_member(member) else: raise ValueError("Group '" + + "' does not have an update function") def move_members_to_new_groups(): for member in new_members["newly_susceptible_rec"]: self.groups["Recovered"].remove_member(member) member.recovered = False for member in new_members["newly_susceptible_vac"]: self.groups["Vaccinated"].remove_member(member) member.vaccinated = False Group.move(new_members["newly_recovered"], self.groups["Infected"], self.groups["Recovered"]) Group.move(new_members["new_dead"], self.groups["Infected"], self.groups["Dead"]) for member in new_members["new_dead"]: self.groups["Quarantined"].remove_member(member) for member in new_members["newly_infected"]: self.groups["Infected"].add_member(member) if member.vaccinated: self.groups["Vaccinated"].remove_member(member) member.vaccinated = False def simulate_vaccinations(): for member in new_members["staged_vaccinated"]: gen_params = lambda: { "t_vac_effect": np.random.poisson(c_vac_effect), "t_immunity": np.random.poisson(c_vac_immunity), "t_wait_vac": t_wait_vac, "t_wait_rec": t_wait_rec } if member.vaccinate(tick, gen_params()): if member.recovered: Group.move([member], self.groups["Recovered"], self.groups["Vaccinated"]) member.recovered = False elif not member.vaccinated: self.groups["Vaccinated"].add_member(member) member.vaccinated = True else: new_members["not_vaccinated"] += [member] def simulate_tests(): def test_and_quarantine_procedure(member): result = False if not member.quarantined and tick != member._last_tested: if (not self.settings["test_vaccinated"]) and "vaccinations" in and \ tick <["vaccinations"][-1][0] + self.settings["vaccination_immunity_time"]: return False result = member.test(tick) results[result] += 1 if result: member.quarantine(self.settings["quarantine_duration"]) self.groups["Quarantined"].add_member(member) return result def backtrack(member, depth): if depth <= 0 or np.random.uniform() > self.settings["backtracking_probability"]: return for contact in member.recent_contacts: if test_and_quarantine_procedure(contact): backtrack(contact, depth - 1) n_tests = min(np.random.poisson(c_tests), self.population.size) results = [0, 0] for member in np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_tests, replace=False): if test_and_quarantine_procedure(member): backtrack(member, self.settings["backtracking_depth"]) self.stats["test_results_-"] += [results[0]] self.stats["test_results_+"] += [results[1]] def decide_measure(measure: str): if measure == "lockdown": # Would a lockdown be arranged/prolonged? if self.settings["start_lockdown_at"] <= self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]: result = True elif self.settings["end_lockdown_at"] >= self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]: result = False else: result = self.arrange_lockdown # If it is (not) prolonged, is it still in the allowed duration interval? if result: if self.lockdown_duration >= self.settings["maximum_lockdown_duration"]: self.lockdown_duration = 0 self.lockdown_ended = tick result = False else: if self.arrange_lockdown and self.lockdown_duration < self.settings["minimum_lockdown_duration"]: result = True else: if self.arrange_lockdown: self.lockdown_ended = tick self.lockdown_duration = 0 # If a new lockdown is arranged, is it sufficiently spaced from the last? if result and not self.arrange_lockdown: result = tick - self.lockdown_ended > self.settings["lockdown_gap"] # Are enough people vaccinated? if self.groups["Vaccinated"].size >= self.settings["heard_immunity"] * self.population.size: result = self.arrange_lockdown self.lockdown_duration += result return result else: raise ValueError("Measure not available") def update_stats(): def calc_7di(): positive = self.stats["test_results_+"] if len(positive) >= 7: return round(sum(positive[-7:]) * 100000 / self.population.size) else: return round(sum(positive) * 7 / len(positive) * 100000 / self.population.size) self.stats["new_infected"] += [len(new_members["newly_infected"])] self.stats["new_recovered"] += [len(new_members["newly_recovered"])] self.stats["new_susceptible"] += [len(new_members["newly_susceptible"])] self.stats["new_vaccinated"] += [n_vacs - len(new_members["not_vaccinated"])] self.stats["new_dead"] += [len(new_members["new_dead"])] self.stats["ill_vaccinated"] += [len(new_members["newly_infected_vac"])] self.stats["seven_day_incidence"] += [calc_7di()] self.stats["in_lockdown"] += [1 if self.arrange_lockdown else 0] def print_stats(): color = bcolors.FAIL if self.arrange_lockdown else bcolors.OKGREEN print(color + "\rDay: %04d, #Infected: %d, #Vaccinated: %d, #Quarantined: %d, #Dead: %d, 7di: %d\033[K" % (tick, self.groups["Infected"].size, self.groups["Vaccinated"].size, self.groups["Quarantined"].size, self.groups["Dead"].size, self.stats["seven_day_incidence"][-1]), end="") print("\nInitializing simulation...") # c -> put into poisson, n -> fixed value tick = 0 infection_heuristic = self.settings["infection_probability_heuristic"] mortality_heuristic = self.settings["mortality_probability_heuristic"] vaccine_heuristic = self.settings["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"] c_inner = self.settings["inner_reproduction_number"] c_outer = self.settings["outer_reproduction_number"] n_ini_inf = self.settings["number_of_initially_infected"] n_ini_recs = self.settings["number_of_initially_recovered"] n_ini_vacs = self.settings["number_of_initially_vaccinated"] c_incubation = self.settings["incubation_time"] c_infection = self.settings["infection_time"] c_immunity = self.settings["recovered_immunity_time"] c_vac_effect = self.settings["vaccination_takes_effect_time"] c_vac_immunity = self.settings["vaccination_immunity_time"] c_vacs = self.settings["vaccinations_per_day"] c_tests = self.settings["tests_per_day"] t_wait_vac = self.settings["waiting_time_vaccinated_until_new_vaccination"] t_wait_rec = self.settings["waiting_time_recovered_until_vaccination"] t_vac_available = self.settings["vaccine_available_as_of"] max_t = self.settings["maximum_simulation_time_interval"] initialize_groups() print("Finished initializing simulation.\n\nStarting simulation...") print_stats() while True: tick += 1 n_vacs = min(np.random.poisson(c_vacs), self.population.size) n_vacs = round(n_vacs * np.exp(-100 / (tick - t_vac_available)) if tick > t_vac_available else 0) self.arrange_lockdown = decide_measure("lockdown") new_members = { "newly_susceptible": [], "newly_infected": [], "newly_infected_vac": [], "newly_recovered": [], "newly_susceptible_rec": [], "newly_susceptible_vac": [], "staged_vaccinated": np.random.choice(self.population.members, size=n_vacs, replace=False), "not_vaccinated": [], "new_dead": [] } for group in self.groups.values(): simulate_group(group) move_members_to_new_groups() simulate_vaccinations() simulate_tests() for group in self.groups.values(): group.counter.save_count() update_stats() print_stats() if self.groups["Infected"].size == 0 or tick >= max_t: break print(bcolors.ENDC + "\nFinished simulation.")