Module src.Utils
Collection of different classes for more flexible usability.
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Collection of different classes for more flexible usability.
__all__ = ['EmpiricDistribution', 'Samplers', 'ProgressBar', 'Counter', 'Standalones']
import numpy as np
from numpy import clip
from numpy.random import uniform, randint
import os
from os.path import sep
import configparser
class EmpiricDistribution:
def __init__(self, data_dict: dict):
Creates a custom probability distribution from given data.
data_dict : dict
Dictionary with value-frequency/occurences pairs.
def normalize(dict_values):
to_array = np.array(list(dict_values))
return to_array / np.sum(to_array)
self.keys = np.array(list(data_dict.keys()))
self.probabilities = normalize(data_dict.values())
self.__cdf = np.cumsum(self.probabilities)
def quantile(self, p: float):
Calculates quantile(s) of p w.r.t. the given distribution.
p : float or array_like of float
Value(s) to calculate quantile of \\(0 \\leq p \\leq 1\\).
distribution element or array_like
Quantile(s) of given values.
if not np.all((0 <= p) & (p <= 1)):
raise ValueError("Parameter p has to be in [0; 1]")
result = self.keys.size
for value in self.__cdf:
result -= p <= value
return self.keys[result]
def pick(self, **kwargs):
Pick a random sample that follows the given distribution.
Other Parameters
size : int or tuple of int
Number of samples to pick.
distribution element or array_like
Sample(s) following the given distribution.
if 'size' in kwargs.keys():
r = uniform(size=kwargs['size'])
r = uniform()
return self.quantile(r)
class Samplers:
Class for generating populations from custom property distributions.
basic_sampler = {
"household": lambda: randint(21),
"age": lambda: randint(0, 90),
Most basic population sampler.
\nhousehold : uniform distribution in \\([0, \\dots, 20]\\)
\nage : uniform distribution in \\([0, \\dots, 89]\\)
def generate_population_data_from_samplers(property_samplers: dict, n: int):
Generates a new random population whose members properties
follow the given distributions and saves it as
property_samplers : dict
Dictionary with property-sampler pairs.
n : int
Size of the population generated.
headers = np.array(["id"] + list(property_samplers.keys()))
rows = np.array([[i] + [sampler() for sampler in property_samplers.values()] for i in range(n)])
timestamp = str(np.datetime64("now")).replace(':', '-')
path = "src" + sep + "Populations" + sep + "FromSampler_" + timestamp + ".csv"
with open(path, 'w') as f:
f.write(','.join(headers) + '\n')
np.savetxt(f, rows, fmt='%d', delimiter=',')
class ProgressBar:
def __init__(self, minimum: int, maximum: int, **kwargs):
Prints a simple progressbar.
minimum : int
Value of minimum progress.
maximum : int
Value of maximum progress.
Other Parameters
start_at : int
If not specified progress will start at its minimum value.
self.min = minimum
self.max = maximum
self.current = kwargs["start_at"] if "start_at" in kwargs.keys() else minimum
self.printing = True
def update(self, step: int):
Updates the current progress by the specified amount of steps.
step : int
Amount of steps to advance progress.
self.current = clip(self.current + step, self.min, self.max)
percentage = 100 * (self.current - self.min) / (self.max - self.min)
if int(percentage) % 5 == 0:
if self.printing:
self.printing = False
p_as_int = int(percentage)
print("\rProgress: %s%s (%s%%)" % (p_as_int // 5 * '#',
(20 - p_as_int // 5) * '|',
p_as_int), end="")
self.printing = True
class Counter:
def __init__(self, start: int):
Creates a simple counter that keeps track of its progress.
self.count = start
self.history = np.array([start])
def _step(self, mode: str, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'):
old = self.count
self.count = self.count + k if mode == "inc" else max(0, self.count - k)
if k < 0:
raise ValueError("k has to be non-negative.")
if return_when == 'after':
return self.count
elif return_when == 'before':
return old
raise ValueError(str(return_when) + " is not a valid value. Try 'after' or 'before'.")
def increment(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'):
Increments counter by the specified amount of steps.
k : int
Amount of steps to increment.
return_when : str
If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one
after incrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified
the value returned will be the one before incrementing.
Current value of counter.
return self._step('inc', k, return_when)
def decrement(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'):
Decrements counter by the specified amount of steps but never below 0.
k : int
Amount of steps to decrement.
return_when : str
If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one
after decrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified
the value returned will be the one before decrementing.
Current value of counter.
return self._step('dec', k, return_when)
def save_count(self):
Appends the current counter value to the counter history.
self.history = np.append(self.history, self.count)
def squash_history(self):
Deletes entire history but its last entry.
self.history = self.history[-1:]
def copy(self):
Creates a copy of the counter.
c = Counter(0)
c.count = self.count
c.history = self.history.copy()
return c
class Standalones:
Class for miscellaneous functions.
def get_last_folder(path: str):
In a directory with enumerated folders, this method selects the one
with the highest number.
path : str
Directory to get last folder from.
Name of last folder.
folders = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path + sep + folder)]
if not folders: return None
return sorted(folders)[-1]
def check_existence(path: str):
Checks if the last folder in the given path exists and creates it if that
is not the case.
path : str
Path with its last element being the folder to be checked of its existence.
if not os.path.exists(path):
def make_settings(settings_file: str, path: str = "Settings" + sep):
Creates a settings-dictionary which is used to initialize simulations
from a given .cfg file located in src/Settings.
settings_file : str
Path to the file containing the settings.
path : str
Path to the settings folder. Defaults to Settings/.
config = configparser.RawConfigParser() + settings_file)
settings = {}
for section in config.sections():
for setting, value in config.items(section):
if value == str(float(value)):
settings[setting] = float(value)
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
if value == str(int(value)):
settings[setting] = int(value)
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
if value in ["True", "False"]:
settings[setting] = value == "True"
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
settings[setting] = value
settings["file"] = settings_file
return settings
class Counter (start: int)
Creates a simple counter that keeps track of its progress.
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class Counter: def __init__(self, start: int): """ Creates a simple counter that keeps track of its progress. """ self.count = start self.history = np.array([start]) def _step(self, mode: str, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'): old = self.count self.count = self.count + k if mode == "inc" else max(0, self.count - k) if k < 0: raise ValueError("k has to be non-negative.") if return_when == 'after': return self.count elif return_when == 'before': return old else: raise ValueError(str(return_when) + " is not a valid value. Try 'after' or 'before'.") def increment(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'): """ Increments counter by the specified amount of steps. Parameters ---------- k : int Amount of steps to increment. return_when : str If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one after incrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified the value returned will be the one before incrementing. Returns ---------- int Current value of counter. """ return self._step('inc', k, return_when) def decrement(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'): """ Decrements counter by the specified amount of steps but never below 0. Parameters ---------- k : int Amount of steps to decrement. return_when : str If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one after decrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified the value returned will be the one before decrementing. Returns ---------- int Current value of counter. """ return self._step('dec', k, return_when) def save_count(self): """ Appends the current counter value to the counter history. """ self.history = np.append(self.history, self.count) def squash_history(self): """ Deletes entire history but its last entry. """ self.history = self.history[-1:] def copy(self): """ Creates a copy of the counter. """ c = Counter(0) c.count = self.count c.history = self.history.copy() return c
def copy(self)
Creates a copy of the counter.
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def copy(self): """ Creates a copy of the counter. """ c = Counter(0) c.count = self.count c.history = self.history.copy() return c
def decrement(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after')
Decrements counter by the specified amount of steps but never below 0.
- Amount of steps to decrement.
- If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one after decrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified the value returned will be the one before decrementing.
- Current value of counter.
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def decrement(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'): """ Decrements counter by the specified amount of steps but never below 0. Parameters ---------- k : int Amount of steps to decrement. return_when : str If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one after decrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified the value returned will be the one before decrementing. Returns ---------- int Current value of counter. """ return self._step('dec', k, return_when)
def increment(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after')
Increments counter by the specified amount of steps.
- Amount of steps to increment.
- If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one after incrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified the value returned will be the one before incrementing.
- Current value of counter.
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def increment(self, k: int = 1, return_when: str = 'after'): """ Increments counter by the specified amount of steps. Parameters ---------- k : int Amount of steps to increment. return_when : str If set to 'after' the value returned will be tho one after incrementing the counter. If 'before' is specified the value returned will be the one before incrementing. Returns ---------- int Current value of counter. """ return self._step('inc', k, return_when)
def save_count(self)
Appends the current counter value to the counter history.
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def save_count(self): """ Appends the current counter value to the counter history. """ self.history = np.append(self.history, self.count)
def squash_history(self)
Deletes entire history but its last entry.
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def squash_history(self): """ Deletes entire history but its last entry. """ self.history = self.history[-1:]
class EmpiricDistribution (data_dict: dict)
Creates a custom probability distribution from given data.
- Dictionary with value-frequency/occurences pairs.
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class EmpiricDistribution: def __init__(self, data_dict: dict): """ Creates a custom probability distribution from given data. Parameters ---------- data_dict : dict Dictionary with value-frequency/occurences pairs. """ def normalize(dict_values): to_array = np.array(list(dict_values)) return to_array / np.sum(to_array) self.keys = np.array(list(data_dict.keys())) self.probabilities = normalize(data_dict.values()) self.__cdf = np.cumsum(self.probabilities) def quantile(self, p: float): """ Calculates quantile(s) of p w.r.t. the given distribution. Parameters ---------- p : float or array_like of float Value(s) to calculate quantile of \\(0 \\leq p \\leq 1\\). Returns ---------- distribution element or array_like Quantile(s) of given values. """ if not np.all((0 <= p) & (p <= 1)): raise ValueError("Parameter p has to be in [0; 1]") result = self.keys.size for value in self.__cdf: result -= p <= value return self.keys[result] def pick(self, **kwargs): """ Pick a random sample that follows the given distribution. Other Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple of int Number of samples to pick. Returns ---------- distribution element or array_like Sample(s) following the given distribution. """ if 'size' in kwargs.keys(): r = uniform(size=kwargs['size']) else: r = uniform() return self.quantile(r)
def pick(self, **kwargs)
Pick a random sample that follows the given distribution.
Other Parameters
- Number of samples to pick.
distribution element
- Sample(s) following the given distribution.
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def pick(self, **kwargs): """ Pick a random sample that follows the given distribution. Other Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple of int Number of samples to pick. Returns ---------- distribution element or array_like Sample(s) following the given distribution. """ if 'size' in kwargs.keys(): r = uniform(size=kwargs['size']) else: r = uniform() return self.quantile(r)
def quantile(self, p: float)
Calculates quantile(s) of p w.r.t. the given distribution.
- Value(s) to calculate quantile of 0 \leq p \leq 1.
distribution element
- Quantile(s) of given values.
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def quantile(self, p: float): """ Calculates quantile(s) of p w.r.t. the given distribution. Parameters ---------- p : float or array_like of float Value(s) to calculate quantile of \\(0 \\leq p \\leq 1\\). Returns ---------- distribution element or array_like Quantile(s) of given values. """ if not np.all((0 <= p) & (p <= 1)): raise ValueError("Parameter p has to be in [0; 1]") result = self.keys.size for value in self.__cdf: result -= p <= value return self.keys[result]
class ProgressBar (minimum: int, maximum: int, **kwargs)
Prints a simple progressbar.
- Value of minimum progress.
- Value of maximum progress.
Other Parameters
- If not specified progress will start at its minimum value.
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class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, minimum: int, maximum: int, **kwargs): """ Prints a simple progressbar. Parameters ---------- minimum : int Value of minimum progress. maximum : int Value of maximum progress. Other Parameters ---------- start_at : int If not specified progress will start at its minimum value. """ self.min = minimum self.max = maximum self.current = kwargs["start_at"] if "start_at" in kwargs.keys() else minimum self.printing = True def update(self, step: int): """ Updates the current progress by the specified amount of steps. Parameters ---------- step : int Amount of steps to advance progress. """ self.current = clip(self.current + step, self.min, self.max) percentage = 100 * (self.current - self.min) / (self.max - self.min) if int(percentage) % 5 == 0: if self.printing: self.printing = False p_as_int = int(percentage) print("\rProgress: %s%s (%s%%)" % (p_as_int // 5 * '#', (20 - p_as_int // 5) * '|', p_as_int), end="") else: self.printing = True
def update(self, step: int)
Updates the current progress by the specified amount of steps.
- Amount of steps to advance progress.
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def update(self, step: int): """ Updates the current progress by the specified amount of steps. Parameters ---------- step : int Amount of steps to advance progress. """ self.current = clip(self.current + step, self.min, self.max) percentage = 100 * (self.current - self.min) / (self.max - self.min) if int(percentage) % 5 == 0: if self.printing: self.printing = False p_as_int = int(percentage) print("\rProgress: %s%s (%s%%)" % (p_as_int // 5 * '#', (20 - p_as_int // 5) * '|', p_as_int), end="") else: self.printing = True
class Samplers
Class for generating populations from custom property distributions.
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class Samplers: """ Class for generating populations from custom property distributions. """ basic_sampler = { "household": lambda: randint(21), "age": lambda: randint(0, 90), } """ Most basic population sampler. \nhousehold : uniform distribution in \\([0, \\dots, 20]\\) \nage : uniform distribution in \\([0, \\dots, 89]\\) """ @staticmethod def generate_population_data_from_samplers(property_samplers: dict, n: int): """ Generates a new random population whose members properties follow the given distributions and saves it as src/Populations/FromSampler_TIMESTAMP.csv. Parameters ---------- property_samplers : dict Dictionary with property-sampler pairs. n : int Size of the population generated. """ headers = np.array(["id"] + list(property_samplers.keys())) rows = np.array([[i] + [sampler() for sampler in property_samplers.values()] for i in range(n)]) timestamp = str(np.datetime64("now")).replace(':', '-') path = "src" + sep + "Populations" + sep + "FromSampler_" + timestamp + ".csv" with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(','.join(headers) + '\n') np.savetxt(f, rows, fmt='%d', delimiter=',')
Class variables
var basic_sampler
Most basic population sampler.
household : uniform distribution in [0, \dots, 20]
age : uniform distribution in [0, \dots, 89]
Static methods
def generate_population_data_from_samplers(property_samplers: dict, n: int)
Generates a new random population whose members properties follow the given distributions and saves it as src/Populations/FromSampler_TIMESTAMP.csv.
- Dictionary with property-sampler pairs.
- Size of the population generated.
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@staticmethod def generate_population_data_from_samplers(property_samplers: dict, n: int): """ Generates a new random population whose members properties follow the given distributions and saves it as src/Populations/FromSampler_TIMESTAMP.csv. Parameters ---------- property_samplers : dict Dictionary with property-sampler pairs. n : int Size of the population generated. """ headers = np.array(["id"] + list(property_samplers.keys())) rows = np.array([[i] + [sampler() for sampler in property_samplers.values()] for i in range(n)]) timestamp = str(np.datetime64("now")).replace(':', '-') path = "src" + sep + "Populations" + sep + "FromSampler_" + timestamp + ".csv" with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(','.join(headers) + '\n') np.savetxt(f, rows, fmt='%d', delimiter=',')
class Standalones
Class for miscellaneous functions.
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class Standalones: """ Class for miscellaneous functions. """ @staticmethod def get_last_folder(path: str): """ In a directory with enumerated folders, this method selects the one with the highest number. Parameters ---------- path : str Directory to get last folder from. Returns ---------- str Name of last folder. """ folders = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path + sep + folder)] if not folders: return None return sorted(folders)[-1] @staticmethod def check_existence(path: str): """ Checks if the last folder in the given path exists and creates it if that is not the case. Parameters ---------- path : str Path with its last element being the folder to be checked of its existence. """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) @staticmethod def make_settings(settings_file: str, path: str = "Settings" + sep): """ Creates a settings-dictionary which is used to initialize simulations from a given .cfg file located in src/Settings. Parameters ---------- settings_file : str Path to the file containing the settings. path : str Path to the settings folder. Defaults to Settings/. """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() + settings_file) settings = {} for section in config.sections(): for setting, value in config.items(section): try: if value == str(float(value)): settings[setting] = float(value) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: try: if value == str(int(value)): settings[setting] = int(value) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: try: if value in ["True", "False"]: settings[setting] = value == "True" else: raise ValueError except ValueError: settings[setting] = value settings["file"] = settings_file return settings
Static methods
def check_existence(path: str)
Checks if the last folder in the given path exists and creates it if that is not the case.
- Path with its last element being the folder to be checked of its existence.
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@staticmethod def check_existence(path: str): """ Checks if the last folder in the given path exists and creates it if that is not the case. Parameters ---------- path : str Path with its last element being the folder to be checked of its existence. """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path)
def get_last_folder(path: str)
In a directory with enumerated folders, this method selects the one with the highest number.
- Directory to get last folder from.
- Name of last folder.
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@staticmethod def get_last_folder(path: str): """ In a directory with enumerated folders, this method selects the one with the highest number. Parameters ---------- path : str Directory to get last folder from. Returns ---------- str Name of last folder. """ folders = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path + sep + folder)] if not folders: return None return sorted(folders)[-1]
def make_settings(settings_file: str, path: str = 'Settings/')
Creates a settings-dictionary which is used to initialize simulations from a given .cfg file located in src/Settings.
- Path to the file containing the settings.
- Path to the settings folder. Defaults to Settings/.
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@staticmethod def make_settings(settings_file: str, path: str = "Settings" + sep): """ Creates a settings-dictionary which is used to initialize simulations from a given .cfg file located in src/Settings. Parameters ---------- settings_file : str Path to the file containing the settings. path : str Path to the settings folder. Defaults to Settings/. """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() + settings_file) settings = {} for section in config.sections(): for setting, value in config.items(section): try: if value == str(float(value)): settings[setting] = float(value) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: try: if value == str(int(value)): settings[setting] = int(value) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: try: if value in ["True", "False"]: settings[setting] = value == "True" else: raise ValueError except ValueError: settings[setting] = value settings["file"] = settings_file return settings