Module src.main
Main script for executing simulations, scenarios and post processing.
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Main script for executing simulations, scenarios and post processing.
import sys
import os
from os.path import sep
if os.getcwd().split(sep)[-1] == "src":
sys.path.insert(0, sep.join(os.getcwd().split(sep)[:-1]))
import numpy as np
from src.Simulation import *
from src.Utils import Standalones
def infection_probability_heuristic(mem_props):
age = int(mem_props["age"])
if 0 <= age <= 4:
return 0.0330660325674 / 8
elif 5 <= age <= 14:
return 0.148281618844 / 8
elif 15 <= age <= 34:
return 0.304042732216 / 8
elif 35 <= age <= 59:
return 0.359434902279 / 8
elif 60 <= age <= 79:
return 0.109905306538 / 8
return 0.0452694075548 / 8
def mortality_probability_heuristic(mem_props):
age = int(mem_props["age"])
if 0 <= age <= 4:
result = 0.000059062155147 / 7
elif 5 <= age <= 14:
result = 0.0000124773674418 / 7
elif 15 <= age <= 34:
result = 0.000111900272854 / 7
elif 35 <= age <= 59:
result = 0.00176127729351 / 7
elif 60 <= age <= 79:
result = 0.0338030065822 / 7
result = 0.170387357522 / 7
if "vaccinations" in mem_props.keys():
return result / 2
return result
def vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic(a, b):
v_when = lambda member:["vaccinations"][-1][1]
v_till = lambda member:["vaccinations"][-1][2]
v_nvacs = lambda member: 1 if len(["vaccinations"]) >= 2 else 2
t = lambda member, tick: (tick - v_when(member)) / (v_till(member) - v_when(member))
return lambda member, tick: 1 - a / v_nvacs(member) * (1 - np.exp(b * (t(member, tick) - 1))) / (1 - np.exp(-b))
def heuristic(name):
if name == "infection_probability_heuristic":
return infection_probability_heuristic
elif name == "mortality_probability_heuristic":
return mortality_probability_heuristic
elif name.split('-')[0] == "vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic":
a = float(name.split('-')[1])
b = float(name.split('-')[2])
return vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic(a, b)
raise ValueError("Heuristic not available")
def post_processing(option, folder=None):
out = ".." + sep + "out" + sep + simulation_settings["population_file"].split('.')[0] + sep
if folder is None:
location = out + Standalones.get_last_folder(out)
location = out + folder
all_methods = [item[1] for item in PostProcessing.__dict__.items() if not item[0].startswith('__')]
if option == 'All':
for method in all_methods:
elif option == 'None':
specified_methods = option.split(',')
for name in specified_methods:
found = False
for method in all_methods:
if method.__name__ == name.replace(' ', ''):
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError('Post processing method \'%s\' not found' % name.replace(' ', ''))
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv[1:]
settings_name = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else "Template.cfg"
simulation_settings = Standalones.make_settings(settings_name)
simulation_settings["infection_probability_heuristic"] = heuristic(simulation_settings["infection_probability_heuristic"])
simulation_settings["mortality_probability_heuristic"] = heuristic(simulation_settings["mortality_probability_heuristic"])
simulation_settings["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"] = heuristic(simulation_settings["vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic"])
if len(args) > 1 and args[1] == "-p":
post_processing(simulation_settings["post_processing"], args[2])
except IndexError:
sim = Scenarios.single_simulation(simulation_settings)
def heuristic(name)
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def heuristic(name): if name == "infection_probability_heuristic": return infection_probability_heuristic elif name == "mortality_probability_heuristic": return mortality_probability_heuristic elif name.split('-')[0] == "vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic": a = float(name.split('-')[1]) b = float(name.split('-')[2]) return vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic(a, b) else: raise ValueError("Heuristic not available")
def infection_probability_heuristic(mem_props)
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def infection_probability_heuristic(mem_props): age = int(mem_props["age"]) if 0 <= age <= 4: return 0.0330660325674 / 8 elif 5 <= age <= 14: return 0.148281618844 / 8 elif 15 <= age <= 34: return 0.304042732216 / 8 elif 35 <= age <= 59: return 0.359434902279 / 8 elif 60 <= age <= 79: return 0.109905306538 / 8 else: return 0.0452694075548 / 8
def mortality_probability_heuristic(mem_props)
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def mortality_probability_heuristic(mem_props): age = int(mem_props["age"]) if 0 <= age <= 4: result = 0.000059062155147 / 7 elif 5 <= age <= 14: result = 0.0000124773674418 / 7 elif 15 <= age <= 34: result = 0.000111900272854 / 7 elif 35 <= age <= 59: result = 0.00176127729351 / 7 elif 60 <= age <= 79: result = 0.0338030065822 / 7 else: result = 0.170387357522 / 7 if "vaccinations" in mem_props.keys(): return result / 2 else: return result
def post_processing(option, folder=None)
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def post_processing(option, folder=None): out = ".." + sep + "out" + sep + simulation_settings["population_file"].split('.')[0] + sep if folder is None: location = out + Standalones.get_last_folder(out) else: location = out + folder all_methods = [item[1] for item in PostProcessing.__dict__.items() if not item[0].startswith('__')] if option == 'All': for method in all_methods: method(location) elif option == 'None': return else: specified_methods = option.split(',') for name in specified_methods: found = False for method in all_methods: if method.__name__ == name.replace(' ', ''): method(location) found = True break if not found: raise ValueError('Post processing method \'%s\' not found' % name.replace(' ', ''))
def vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic(a, b)
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def vaccine_failure_probability_heuristic(a, b): v_when = lambda member:["vaccinations"][-1][1] v_till = lambda member:["vaccinations"][-1][2] v_nvacs = lambda member: 1 if len(["vaccinations"]) >= 2 else 2 t = lambda member, tick: (tick - v_when(member)) / (v_till(member) - v_when(member)) return lambda member, tick: 1 - a / v_nvacs(member) * (1 - np.exp(b * (t(member, tick) - 1))) / (1 - np.exp(-b))