Module PyFrame.pyframe ~~~~~~~~~~
A simple animation framework for Python.
This module provides a simple framework for creating animations in Python. It is designed to be simple to use and to be easily extended. It is not intended to be a replacement for more powerful animation frameworks such as matplotlib.animation or manim.
The framework is based on the concept of a Canvas object, which represents a figure with axes. The Canvas can be populated with Artists, which are objects that can draw themselves on the Canvas. The Canvas can then be shown or saved to disk to produce an frame by frame animation.
The framework is designed to be easily extended. New types of Artists can be created by subclassing the Artist class. The Artist class provides a simple interface for drawing things on the Canvas, and for determining whether it should be drawn on a given frame. The Artist class also provides a simple interface for determining whether it is done drawing itself on the Canvas, meaning it an be deleted from the list of current artists.
Pre-Impemented Artists include: - Artist: A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on every frame.
- TimedArtist:
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas between a
start and end frame.
- ToggledArtist
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas when it is
toggled on.
- OneTimeArtist:
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on a single
(possibly future) frame and is then deactivated automatically.
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A simple animation framework for Python.
This module provides a simple framework for creating animations in Python. It
is designed to be simple to use and to be easily extended. It is not intended
to be a replacement for more powerful animation frameworks such as
matplotlib.animation or manim.
The framework is based on the concept of a Canvas object, which represents a
figure with axes. The Canvas can be populated with Artists, which are objects
that can draw themselves on the Canvas. The Canvas can then be shown or saved
to disk to produce an frame by frame animation.
The framework is designed to be easily extended. New types of Artists can be
created by subclassing the Artist class. The Artist class provides a simple
interface for drawing things on the Canvas, and for determining whether it
should be drawn on a given frame. The Artist class also provides a simple
interface for determining whether it is done drawing itself on the Canvas,
meaning it an be deleted from the list of current artists.
Pre-Impemented Artists include:
- Artist:
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on every frame.
- TimedArtist:
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas between a
start and end frame.
- ToggledArtist
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas when it is
toggled on.
- OneTimeArtist:
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on a single
(possibly future) frame and is then deactivated automatically.
from string import ascii_lowercase
from ._decorator import doc_inherit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Artist():
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on every frame.
- TimedArtist
- ToggledArtist
- OneTimeArtist
id : str
A unique identifier for the artist.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
deactivated : bool
A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn
on the Canvas.
Draws the artist on the Canvas.
Deactivates the artist.
Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
def __init__(self, artist_factory, layer=0):
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Artist object.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
layer : int
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
""" = ''.join(np.random.choice(list(ascii_lowercase), 10))
self.artist_factory = artist_factory
self.layer = layer
self.deactivated = False
def draw(self, ax):
Draws the artist on the Canvas.
ax : Axes
The axes on which the artist should be drawn.
def deactivate(self):
Deactivates the artist.
self.deactivated = True
def isActive(self, frame_counter):
Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
frame_counter : int
The frame number for which activeness is checked.
True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
return not self.deactivated
def isDone(self, frame_counter):
Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
frame_counter : int
The frame number for which being done is checked.
True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
return self.deactivated
def __str__(self):
return "Artist: %s" %
def __eq__(self, other):
return ==
class TimedArtist(Artist):
A timed artist that draws itself on the Canvas in a given range of frames.
Subclass of the Artist class.
id : str
A unique identifier for the artist.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
deactivated : bool
A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn
on the Canvas.
start : int
The frame number on which the artist should start drawing itself.
end : int
The frame number on which the artist should stop drawing itself.
Draws the artist on the Canvas.
Deactivates the artist.
Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
def __init__(self, artist_factory, start, end, layer=0):
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the TimedArtist object.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
start: int
The frame number on which the artist should start drawing itself.
end: int
The frame number on which the artist should stop drawing itself.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
super().__init__(artist_factory, layer)
self.start = start
self.end = end
def draw(self, ax):
def isActive(self, frame_counter):
return frame_counter >= self.start and frame_counter <= self.end and not self.deactivated
def isDone(self, frame_counter):
return frame_counter > self.end or self.deactivated
def __str__(self):
return "TimedArtist: %s, start: %d, end: %d" % (, self.start, self.end)
class ToggledArtist(Artist):
A toggleable artist that draws itself on the Canvas if it is toggled on.
Subclass of the Artist class.
id : str
A unique identifier for the artist.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
deactivated : bool
A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn
on the Canvas.
state : str
The state of the artist. Can be 'active' or 'inactive'.
Draws the artist on the Canvas.
Deactivates the artist.
Toggles the artist on or off.
Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
def __init__(self, artist_factory, state, layer=0):
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the ToggledArtist object.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
state : str
The state of the artist. Can be 'active' or 'inactive'.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
super().__init__(artist_factory, layer)
self.state = state
def draw(self, ax):
def toggle(self):
Toggles the artist on or off.
self.state = 'active' if self.state == 'inactive' else 'inactive'
def isActive(self, frame_counter):
return self.state == 'active' and not self.deactivated
def isDone(self, frame_counter):
return self.deactivated
def __str__(self):
return "ToggledArtist: %s, state: %s" % (, self.state)
class OneTimeArtist(Artist):
A one time artist that draws itself on the Canvas once on a given frame.
Subclass of the Artist class.
id : str
A unique identifier for the artist.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
deactivated : bool
A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn
on the Canvas.
drawn : bool
A flag indicating whether the artist has already been drawn on the Canvas.
when : int
The frame number on which the artist should draw itself.
Draws the artist on the Canvas.
Deactivates the artist.
Toggles the artist on or off.
Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
def __init__(self, artist_factory, when=0, layer=0):
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the OneTimeArtist object.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
when : int, default = 0
The frame number on which the artist should draw itself.
layer : int, default = 0
The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a
lower layer number are drawn first.
super().__init__(artist_factory, layer)
self.drawn = False
self.when = when
def draw(self, ax):
self.drawn = True
def isActive(self, frame_counter):
return frame_counter == self.when and not self.deactivated
def isDone(self, frame_counter):
return self.drawn or self.deactivated
def __str__(self):
return "OneTimeArtist: %s, drawn: %s" % (, self.drawn)
class Canvas():
A Canvas object that manages the drawing of Artists on a figure.
frame_counter : int
The current frame number.
xlims : tuple
The x-axis limits of the figure.
ylims : tuple
The y-axis limits of the figure.
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
The figure on which the artists are drawn.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The axes on which the artists are drawn.
artists : list
A list of Artist objects.
addArtistFactory(artist_factory, type, **kwargs)
Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing a function taking an axes
object as an argument and drawing something on it.
Adds an artist to the Canvas.
Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString
is True, the list contains the string representation of the
Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas.
If asString is True, the list contains the string representation
of the artists.
Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done
or deactivated artists.
Clears the axes.
Shows the figure.
save(folder, filename)
Saves the figure to a file.
def __init__(self, width, height, xlims=(0, 1), ylims=(0, 1), dpi=100):
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Canvas object.
width : int
The width of the figure.
height : int
The height of the figure.
xlims : tuple, default = (0, 1)
The x-axis limits of the figure.
ylims : tuple, default = (0, 1)
The y-axis limits of the figure.
dpi : int, default = 100
The resolution of the figure.
self.frame_counter = 1
self.xlims = xlims
self.ylims = ylims
self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi) = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
self.artists = []
def addArtistFactory(self, artist_factory, type, **kwargs):
Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing an function
returning an artist given an axes object.
artist_factory : function
A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws
something on it.
type : class
The class of the artist to be added.
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the artist.
self.artists += [type(artist_factory, **kwargs)]
self.artists.sort(key=lambda artist: artist.layer)
def addArtist(self, artist):
Adds an artist to the Canvas.
artist : Artist
The artist to be added.
self.artists += [artist]
self.artists.sort(key=lambda artist: artist.layer)
def getAllArtists(self, asString=False):
Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString
is True, the list contains the string representation of the
asString : bool, default = False
If True, the list contains the string representation of the
A list of all the artists on the Canvas.
if asString:
return [str(artist) for artist in self.artists]
return self.artists
def getActiveArtists(self, asString=False):
Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas.
If asString is True, the list contains the string representation
of the artists.
asString : bool, default = False
If True, the list contains the string representation of the
A list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas.
if asString:
return [str(artist) for artist in self.artists if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter)]
return [artist for artist in self.artists if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter)]
def draw(self):
Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done
or deactivated artists.
up_for_ramoval = []
for artist in self.artists:
if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter):
if artist.isDone(self.frame_counter):
up_for_ramoval += [artist]
for artist in up_for_ramoval:
def resetAxes(self):
Resets the axes.
def show(self):
Shows the drawn figure.
def save(self, folder, fname):
Saves the drawn figure to a file.
folder : str
The folder to save the figure to.
fname : str
The name of the file to save the figure to.
self.frame_counter += 1
def __str__(self):
return f"The Canvas has {len(self.artists)} (possibly idle) artists:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(self.getAllArtists(asString=True))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
if not os.path.exists('out/'):
permanent_artist = Artist(lambda ax: ax.plot([0, 10], [0, 10]))
toggled_artist = ToggledArtist(lambda ax: ax.scatter([2.5, 7.5], [2.5, 7.5]), 'inactive')
canvas = Canvas(5, 5, (0, 10), (0, 10))
canvas.addArtistFactory(lambda ax: ax.plot([0, 10], [10, 0]), Artist)
canvas.addArtistFactory(lambda ax: ax.plot([0, 10], [5, 5]), TimedArtist, start=10, end=20)
canvas.addArtistFactory(lambda ax: ax.plot([5, 5], [0, 10]), TimedArtist, start=30, end=40)
canvas.addArtistFactory(lambda ax: ax.scatter([5], [5], s=50), OneTimeArtist, when=25)
print(canvas, '\n')
for i in range(50):
if canvas.frame_counter in [25, 30]:
if canvas.frame_counter == 45:
print(f"Frame {canvas.frame_counter}:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(canvas.getActiveArtists(asString=True)) + "\n")'out', 'test')
class Artist (artist_factory, layer=0)
A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on every frame.
- TimedArtist
- ToggledArtist
- OneTimeArtist
- A unique identifier for the artist.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
- A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas.
draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Artist object.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
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class Artist(): """ A simple artist that draws itself on the Canvas on every frame. Subclasses: - TimedArtist - ToggledArtist - OneTimeArtist Attributes ---------- id : str A unique identifier for the artist. artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. deactivated : bool A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas. Methods ---------- draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. """ def __init__(self, artist_factory, layer=0): """ Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Artist object. Parameters ---------- artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. layer : int The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. """ = ''.join(np.random.choice(list(ascii_lowercase), 10)) self.artist_factory = artist_factory self.layer = layer self.deactivated = False def draw(self, ax): """ Draws the artist on the Canvas. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The axes on which the artist should be drawn. """ self.artist_factory(ax) plt.draw() def deactivate(self): """ Deactivates the artist. """ self.deactivated = True def isActive(self, frame_counter): """ Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. Parameters ---------- frame_counter : int The frame number for which activeness is checked. Returns ------- bool True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. """ return not self.deactivated def isDone(self, frame_counter): """ Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. Parameters ---------- frame_counter : int The frame number for which being done is checked. Returns ------- bool True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. """ return self.deactivated def __str__(self): return "Artist: %s" % def __eq__(self, other): return ==
def deactivate(self)
Deactivates the artist.
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def deactivate(self): """ Deactivates the artist. """ self.deactivated = True
def draw(self, ax)
Draws the artist on the Canvas.
- The axes on which the artist should be drawn.
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def draw(self, ax): """ Draws the artist on the Canvas. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The axes on which the artist should be drawn. """ self.artist_factory(ax) plt.draw()
def isActive(self, frame_counter)
Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
- The frame number for which activeness is checked.
- True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame.
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def isActive(self, frame_counter): """ Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. Parameters ---------- frame_counter : int The frame number for which activeness is checked. Returns ------- bool True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. """ return not self.deactivated
def isDone(self, frame_counter)
Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
- The frame number for which being done is checked.
- True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
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def isDone(self, frame_counter): """ Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. Parameters ---------- frame_counter : int The frame number for which being done is checked. Returns ------- bool True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. """ return self.deactivated
class Canvas (width, height, xlims=(0, 1), ylims=(0, 1), dpi=100)
A Canvas object that manages the drawing of Artists on a figure.
- The current frame number.
- The x-axis limits of the figure.
- The y-axis limits of the figure.
- The figure on which the artists are drawn.
- The axes on which the artists are drawn.
- A list of Artist objects.
addArtistFactory(artist_factory, type, **kwargs) Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing a function taking an axes object as an argument and drawing something on it. addArtist(artist) Adds an artist to the Canvas. getAllArtists(asString=False) Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. getActiveArtists(asString=False) Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. draw() Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done or deactivated artists. resetAxes() Clears the axes. show() Shows the figure. save(folder, filename) Saves the figure to a file.
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Canvas object.
- The width of the figure.
- The height of the figure.
, default= (0, 1)
- The x-axis limits of the figure.
, default= (0, 1)
- The y-axis limits of the figure.
, default= 100
- The resolution of the figure.
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class Canvas(): """ A Canvas object that manages the drawing of Artists on a figure. Attributes ---------- frame_counter : int The current frame number. xlims : tuple The x-axis limits of the figure. ylims : tuple The y-axis limits of the figure. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure on which the artists are drawn. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes on which the artists are drawn. artists : list A list of Artist objects. Methods ---------- addArtistFactory(artist_factory, type, **kwargs) Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing a function taking an axes object as an argument and drawing something on it. addArtist(artist) Adds an artist to the Canvas. getAllArtists(asString=False) Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. getActiveArtists(asString=False) Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. draw() Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done or deactivated artists. resetAxes() Clears the axes. show() Shows the figure. save(folder, filename) Saves the figure to a file. """ def __init__(self, width, height, xlims=(0, 1), ylims=(0, 1), dpi=100): """ Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Canvas object. Parameters ---------- width : int The width of the figure. height : int The height of the figure. xlims : tuple, default = (0, 1) The x-axis limits of the figure. ylims : tuple, default = (0, 1) The y-axis limits of the figure. dpi : int, default = 100 The resolution of the figure. """ self.frame_counter = 1 self.xlims = xlims self.ylims = ylims self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi) = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.artists = [] def addArtistFactory(self, artist_factory, type, **kwargs): """ Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing an function returning an artist given an axes object. Parameters ---------- artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. type : class The class of the artist to be added. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the artist. """ self.artists += [type(artist_factory, **kwargs)] self.artists.sort(key=lambda artist: artist.layer) def addArtist(self, artist): """ Adds an artist to the Canvas. Parameters ---------- artist : Artist The artist to be added. """ self.artists += [artist] self.artists.sort(key=lambda artist: artist.layer) def getAllArtists(self, asString=False): """ Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Parameters ---------- asString : bool, default = False If True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Returns ---------- list A list of all the artists on the Canvas. """ if asString: return [str(artist) for artist in self.artists] else: return self.artists def getActiveArtists(self, asString=False): """ Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Parameters ---------- asString : bool, default = False If True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Returns ---------- list A list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. """ if asString: return [str(artist) for artist in self.artists if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter)] else: return [artist for artist in self.artists if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter)] def draw(self): """ Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done or deactivated artists. """ up_for_ramoval = [] for artist in self.artists: if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter): artist.draw( if artist.isDone(self.frame_counter): up_for_ramoval += [artist] for artist in up_for_ramoval: self.artists.remove(artist) def resetAxes(self): """ Resets the axes. """ def show(self): """ Shows the drawn figure. """ self.draw() def save(self, folder, fname): """ Saves the drawn figure to a file. Parameters ---------- folder : str The folder to save the figure to. fname : str The name of the file to save the figure to. """ self.draw() self.fig.savefig(f"{folder}/{fname}_{self.frame_counter}") self.resetAxes() self.frame_counter += 1 def __str__(self): return f"The Canvas has {len(self.artists)} (possibly idle) artists:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(self.getAllArtists(asString=True))
def addArtist(self, artist)
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def addArtist(self, artist): """ Adds an artist to the Canvas. Parameters ---------- artist : Artist The artist to be added. """ self.artists += [artist] self.artists.sort(key=lambda artist: artist.layer)
def addArtistFactory(self, artist_factory, type, **kwargs)
Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing an function returning an artist given an axes object.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
- The class of the artist to be added.
- Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the artist.
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def addArtistFactory(self, artist_factory, type, **kwargs): """ Adds an artist to the Canvas by providing an function returning an artist given an axes object. Parameters ---------- artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. type : class The class of the artist to be added. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the artist. """ self.artists += [type(artist_factory, **kwargs)] self.artists.sort(key=lambda artist: artist.layer)
def draw(self)
Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done or deactivated artists.
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def draw(self): """ Draws all the artists on the Canvas and removes all done or deactivated artists. """ up_for_ramoval = [] for artist in self.artists: if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter): artist.draw( if artist.isDone(self.frame_counter): up_for_ramoval += [artist] for artist in up_for_ramoval: self.artists.remove(artist)
def getActiveArtists(self, asString=False)
Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists.
, default= False
- If True, the list contains the string representation of the artists.
- A list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas.
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def getActiveArtists(self, asString=False): """ Returns a list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Parameters ---------- asString : bool, default = False If True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Returns ---------- list A list of all the currently active artists on the Canvas. """ if asString: return [str(artist) for artist in self.artists if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter)] else: return [artist for artist in self.artists if artist.isActive(self.frame_counter)]
def getAllArtists(self, asString=False)
Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists.
, default= False
- If True, the list contains the string representation of the artists.
- A list of all the artists on the Canvas.
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def getAllArtists(self, asString=False): """ Returns a list of all the artists on the Canvas. If asString is True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Parameters ---------- asString : bool, default = False If True, the list contains the string representation of the artists. Returns ---------- list A list of all the artists on the Canvas. """ if asString: return [str(artist) for artist in self.artists] else: return self.artists
def resetAxes(self)
Resets the axes.
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def resetAxes(self): """ Resets the axes. """
def save(self, folder, fname)
Saves the drawn figure to a file.
- The folder to save the figure to.
- The name of the file to save the figure to.
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def save(self, folder, fname): """ Saves the drawn figure to a file. Parameters ---------- folder : str The folder to save the figure to. fname : str The name of the file to save the figure to. """ self.draw() self.fig.savefig(f"{folder}/{fname}_{self.frame_counter}") self.resetAxes() self.frame_counter += 1
def show(self)
Shows the drawn figure.
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def show(self): """ Shows the drawn figure. """ self.draw()
class OneTimeArtist (artist_factory, when=0, layer=0)
A one time artist that draws itself on the Canvas once on a given frame. Subclass of the Artist class.
- A unique identifier for the artist.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
- A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas.
- A flag indicating whether the artist has already been drawn on the Canvas.
- The frame number on which the artist should draw itself.
draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. toggle() Toggles the artist on or off. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the OneTimeArtist object.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
, default= 0
- The frame number on which the artist should draw itself.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
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class OneTimeArtist(Artist): """ A one time artist that draws itself on the Canvas once on a given frame. Subclass of the Artist class. Attributes ---------- id : str A unique identifier for the artist. artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. deactivated : bool A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas. drawn : bool A flag indicating whether the artist has already been drawn on the Canvas. when : int The frame number on which the artist should draw itself. Methods ---------- draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. toggle() Toggles the artist on or off. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. """ def __init__(self, artist_factory, when=0, layer=0): """ Constructs all the necessary attributes for the OneTimeArtist object. Parameters ---------- artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. when : int, default = 0 The frame number on which the artist should draw itself. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. """ super().__init__(artist_factory, layer) self.drawn = False self.when = when @doc_inherit def draw(self, ax): self.artist_factory(ax) self.drawn = True plt.draw() @doc_inherit def isActive(self, frame_counter): return frame_counter == self.when and not self.deactivated @doc_inherit def isDone(self, frame_counter): return self.drawn or self.deactivated def __str__(self): return "OneTimeArtist: %s, drawn: %s" % (, self.drawn)
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class TimedArtist (artist_factory, start, end, layer=0)
A timed artist that draws itself on the Canvas in a given range of frames. Subclass of the Artist class.
- A unique identifier for the artist.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
- A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas.
- The frame number on which the artist should start drawing itself.
- The frame number on which the artist should stop drawing itself.
draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the TimedArtist object.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
- The frame number on which the artist should start drawing itself.
- The frame number on which the artist should stop drawing itself.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
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class TimedArtist(Artist): """ A timed artist that draws itself on the Canvas in a given range of frames. Subclass of the Artist class. Attributes ---------- id : str A unique identifier for the artist. artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. deactivated : bool A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas. start : int The frame number on which the artist should start drawing itself. end : int The frame number on which the artist should stop drawing itself. Methods ---------- draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. """ def __init__(self, artist_factory, start, end, layer=0): """ Constructs all the necessary attributes for the TimedArtist object. Parameters ---------- artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. start: int The frame number on which the artist should start drawing itself. end: int The frame number on which the artist should stop drawing itself. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. """ super().__init__(artist_factory, layer) self.start = start self.end = end @doc_inherit def draw(self, ax): self.artist_factory(ax) plt.draw() @doc_inherit def isActive(self, frame_counter): return frame_counter >= self.start and frame_counter <= self.end and not self.deactivated @doc_inherit def isDone(self, frame_counter): return frame_counter > self.end or self.deactivated def __str__(self): return "TimedArtist: %s, start: %d, end: %d" % (, self.start, self.end)
Inherited members
class ToggledArtist (artist_factory, state, layer=0)
A toggleable artist that draws itself on the Canvas if it is toggled on. Subclass of the Artist class.
- A unique identifier for the artist.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
- A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas.
- The state of the artist. Can be 'active' or 'inactive'.
draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. toggle() Toggles the artist on or off. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas.
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the ToggledArtist object.
- A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it.
- The state of the artist. Can be 'active' or 'inactive'.
, default= 0
- The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first.
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class ToggledArtist(Artist): """ A toggleable artist that draws itself on the Canvas if it is toggled on. Subclass of the Artist class. Attributes ---------- id : str A unique identifier for the artist. artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. deactivated : bool A flag indicating whether the artist still needs to be drawn on the Canvas. state : str The state of the artist. Can be 'active' or 'inactive'. Methods ---------- draw(ax) Draws the artist on the Canvas. deactivate() Deactivates the artist. toggle() Toggles the artist on or off. isActive(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist should be drawn on the given frame. isDone(frame_counter) Returns True if the artist is done drawing itself on the Canvas. """ def __init__(self, artist_factory, state, layer=0): """ Constructs all the necessary attributes for the ToggledArtist object. Parameters ---------- artist_factory : function A function that takes an axes object as an argument and draws something on it. state : str The state of the artist. Can be 'active' or 'inactive'. layer : int, default = 0 The layer on which the artist should be drawn. Artists with a lower layer number are drawn first. """ super().__init__(artist_factory, layer) self.state = state @doc_inherit def draw(self, ax): self.artist_factory(ax) plt.draw() def toggle(self): """ Toggles the artist on or off. """ self.state = 'active' if self.state == 'inactive' else 'inactive' @doc_inherit def isActive(self, frame_counter): return self.state == 'active' and not self.deactivated @doc_inherit def isDone(self, frame_counter): return self.deactivated def __str__(self): return "ToggledArtist: %s, state: %s" % (, self.state)
def toggle(self)
Toggles the artist on or off.
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def toggle(self): """ Toggles the artist on or off. """ self.state = 'active' if self.state == 'inactive' else 'inactive'
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